1) Overseas Community Involvement Programme (OCIP) - Cambodia 2007
2) Taiwan Immersion Programme (TIP) 2007
What about the last one?
-> IT Club - Secretary
-> 24hours video competition - 2nd runner up
-> National Olympics for Informatics (NOI) - Bronze
-> H3 NTU Math
-> Discrete Math Elective - Top in class
-> Peer tutoring - Tutor
-> Mardi Gras - Performer
-> Helping the Chem Dept redo their E-learning package for JC1
Oh man.. Which one.. Can't decide.. Help anyone? >.<
Meh I see a man loitering at the corridor outside my house...

I think he's stealing internet from someone.. Lucky my wireless internet got put password =\
DISCLAIMER: Lots of spamming below. Don't read if you don't want to. Just skip this part.
Yup. Its been rambling on and on for the past 30 minutes because I turned on my computer to do coding. And he just made me more pissed off at Buddhism. Lol. Other people believe in it means I must believe meh? I don't believe means I die or suffer? Lol. Nice la. Very very convincing way of trying to get me to believe in it. I'm so sure what you're doing is conforming to what Buddhism preaches. Joker. I know more about Buddhism than you and what turns me off is because YOU always misuse it (to threaten people etc) and never follow it yourself. Bloody hypocrite. Oh didn't I say I hate hypocrites? Ah nice la. Say somemore.. Correct la. I stupid la hor. I never get AAAAA. You very smart la ok. Never pass in any exam before. Ya ya ya its because I got tuition etc. Look at my Econs la. Tuition till worst subject result. No tuition subjects like Computing and Maths leh? Want fight ar? You ownself not that smart you expect me be smart? You gimme shit genes I accept liao, you want me do what? Whole day don't know anything make so much noise. Everytime don't bother to know anything, then scold scold scold, when we argue back with facts, you say "Just now never say". What bullshit. You always say "Tell your mom. Don't tell me".... Ya la. YOUR HOUSE, YOUR MONEY. YOU BIG LA. Big deal. At most next time I don't live with you lor. You ownself say one. Don't want my money next time. Fine lor. I make sure I don't let my mum give you a single cent. Go die la. You think I endure all these bullshit for what? Just because I need you to pay for my living now. You think we really like you ar? No man. You just wait. And now wtf you trying to do? Threaten us with "7th Ghost Festival Month". Lol wtf. Childish. We're always in the wrong. No matter what we do we're always wrong, you're always right. I cannot help friends/classmates/teachers because I never help you. What kind of logic is that? Not to mention you taking every single opportunity to flame and demoralise us. Neither my sis or me have ever heard you praise us before, not even for once or for the smallest thing. NEVER.
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