Saturday, April 25, 2009

What if Delta Wing was a DotA hero?

Haven't been blogging in a long while. Or at least it felt a long while (It felt like months have past). Oh well..

So, what if Delta Wing was a DotA hero?
It would definitely would be Anti-mage or Nerubian Assasin.

-> Mana Break

Nerubian Assasin
-> Mana Burn

Famous DotA quote (or more like character speak): "Time is mana".
You get my drift..

Given the same training syllabus, our wing always have lesser admin time, later book-out times. It's not making sense. It's not like I hate or loathe the training (in fact I like certain stuff I'm doing/learning there), but the free time we have is seriously not making sense. Sierra wing booked out today at 8am, we booked at at 3pm? Last week we booked out at 4pm+. What happened to 5day/5.5day week, whichever it is following.. And on public holidays, we don't book out the night before, we book out the late morning or early afternoon of the public holiday itself. What kind of public holiday is that? -.-"

To top it off, every single book-out we have so far, we have tons of reflections and precis (some lesson textbook) to read and memorise before book-in. I mean even if we don't do anything but study 24hrs (seriously only 24hrs after minus-ing travelling, meal times, etc), we will barely be able to finish it due to fatigue (you know.. Econs.. Decreasing rate of returns). So what happens to book-out? What happened to the family time? What happened to the socialising time? What happened to the leisure time? It's as good as staying in camp with the exception of better food and lodging. Zzz..

Saturday, April 11, 2009


We come from many places,
All across the land,
Of many different races
Together hand in hand.

United we stand
Divided we fall;
Ready to serve our nation's call

We come from OCS,
We are the very best
Leading with dignity and pride
Wherever we go
We will always know
Our spirit lives forever more

Loyalty to country,
is what we all believe.
To lead, excel and overcome
is what we must achieve.

Forever strong and valiant,
we'll give our lives and more,
never ceasing to serve Singapore.
