As we started on our $3 Opera House Fish Ball Noodles, Jon was constantly commenting while Winston watched in amusement.
Zachary - 4min 22sec
Davin (me) - 13min
Omg. What the crap. I guess I still uphold my title of the "Slowest eater ever". I hardly ever eaten faster than anyone sitting at the same table as me before. They happen are so seldomly that they're countable by my fingers.. Lol.
After lunch was the dreaded Economics DOUBLE period. Confirm will sleep.. Zzzz
So to keep myself awake, I decided to do some Complex Numbers problems (hey! Complex numbers are SUPER SUPER fun. I'm serious!) while listening to Mrs Ang rattle on and on..
While doing, this made me laugh so loud inside myself that I think I burst my lungs:

It says "Warming Up Questions (If you don't do so, you may run the risk of severe injuries later..)"
ROFL!! The teacher who was making Tutorial 2 must be seriously bored or just plain funny haha XD
Anyway, Mrs Ang soon noticed I was writing stuff down even though she's talking something that we don't need to write. And so she came to my table, and saw the math problems, and got pissed off and said "You want do maths, you go outside do. Next time don't come my class."
Lol. Gladly. But I bet you'll go and backstab me and complain to other teachers, especially Miss Woodford, "Davin ar.. blah blah blah", so screw you, I'm not going to fall for it.
Ok fine. I keep my maths. Let's see how long I can last your boringness..
Time check (since I kept maths) when my eyelids started to fall: 1min
(or was it less than that, I took some time to move my arm up so I could see my watch)
After which, she reprimanded me and told me "If you want to sleep, go sickbay."
Ok, sure. I'll do just that. Don't tempt me further or I'll go sickbay every single Econs lesson from now on.
Enough said. I mean c'mon la, if you can't multi-task doesn't mean your students cannot multitask right. I do maths AND listen to you doesn't mean I'm not listening right? Surely that's better than SLEEPING. Also, teachers teaching arts subjects (such as Economics) should be more open-minded to opinions. Whole day say "You are too extreme", "You are not feasible", "Stop talking nonsense".. Nice la, so much for the government's effort to boost creativity. I mean c'mon la, look at Miss Woodford. If you suggest something plausible, she'll sidetrack for a while and discuss it. If its freaking obvious you're trying to be funny, obviously she'll just ignore it, BUT she NEVER slams you. If others can do it, why can't you? Sheesh.
Okay, let's stop being mean.
After the horrendous double Econs period passed, we all split up and went for GP essay review lectures. Ryan and me did the History question and so we went to Seminar Rm 1. There were apparently 4 others waiting outside because the room was locked.. After a while, everyone started sitting down on the stairs. Ryan took out my guitar and played a few songs and I sang along (yes I did, no one complained. Whee.. XD). Then I checked my watch again. 4pm. What the hell. We waited 1hr and the teacher never come? SIAN! Waste time.. Zzzz
Ryan speculated: The teacher must have thought no one in the right mind would do such a boring question. Lol.. Anyway, while we left, Ryan and me told the rest "Hey people, forget it, this is HISTORY". How punny eh? =P
Oh btw I took this picture days ago during temperature taking. Winston and his trusty CLINICAL THERMOMETER! Holy crap. I thought it was extinct.. Now we all know they're just hiding and waiting to rule over the world again some day...

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