A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B) Tag eight people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
1. What are your reasons for having a LJ?
LJ.. meaning? L** Jiao? Long John? Live Journal? How I know sia.. Lol.
2. What do you do before bedtime?
Probably using my laptop I guess.. I have nothing much else to do.
Unless you want to include brushing my teeth, pee-ing and saying good night to my parents.. Well of course that's DIRECTLY before I lie on my bed...
Oh wait.. actually I lie on my bed and think of a lot of random nonsense before I sleep =P
3. What will your dream wedding be like?
Hm. No idea. Ask my future wife. I'll probably follow along. I quite easy going one, unless it's things that go against my ideals etc..
4. What is the city of your dreams and why?
Erm. Somewhere safe, environmentally friendly AND healthy (no smog and 1000degrees temperature for the win), cheap, stress-free. No point living in the city of my dreams as a poor beggar, nor is it any better to slog my whole life in the city of my dreams.
5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Eh. Depends bah. To close friends and most guys, they think I'm hiong and extrovert..
To strangers AND girls... "Hi. Er..." *fiddle fingers* >.<
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Well, frankly speaking. Depends. Loving someone always feels nice. But if the person doesn't reciprocate after a looooong time or she ignores you PURPOSELY and that kind of stuff, of course not good la.. Gorden and me can hold testimonial to this =\
Being loved is often said to be better. But you see ar.. You must try to understand why people sometimes reject others. They don't like the person "chasing" him/her what.. If you are being loved by someone you loathe or hate, you tell me how you feel blessed? You'll feel more like dying...
Actually ar.. I think the best is still BOTH people zhun zhun love each other =)
But then again, hasn't happened in my life before, so I can only "think".. cannot confirm =(
7. Do you trust easily?
Quite bah.. Once I know you slightly I'll just share almost anything with you, my life, my family stuff etc.. But some 'sensitive' areas like sexuality, relationships, racial, religious stuff I'll only open up if the opposite party initiate by talking about it. Then I'll be like "ah ok, you're the kind who is open to discussion about this kind of stuff", then I'll talk about those kind of stuff.
To me, I think in any kind of relationship, trust is the most important thing lor.. Why else is my MSN comment "Trust. That wins everything." Though it was created when I got pissed at my dota clanmates not understanding that teamwork and trust can win individual skills anytime >.<
8. What person, dead or alive, is your role model?
Role model ar.. I have different role models for each kind of aspect in life. Sometimes more than 1 in an area in life.. Too many to name la.. But here's a few: Maths Teacher:
Mr Low Chang Hong (his ability to bond with students and his funniness)
Computing Teacher:
Mr Claude Chua (his ability to bond with students and his self-unaware funniness)
Mr Desmond Kao (his ability to command respect from students without being overly strict)
Eyeshield21 Devil Bats Team (though they're just manga.. they're quite inspirational)
P.S. Wondering why I mentioned teachers? I did say I wanted to be a teacher right.. RIGHT..? lol
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Not really bah. I think.. I usually get over things rather quickly unless they're things close to heart, like relationships.
10. When's the last time you had fun?
Hm... Depends on the degree of fun. I have all kinds of fun everyday. Just different magnitude. I find doing math and coding fun. Lol... HEY YOU. Don't gimme that wierd look ok.
11. Is being tagged fun?
Quite fun bah. But a bit lame la. If you want to know anything just ask me lor. If you're that close to me to bother tagging me, I'll probably be sharing almost anything with you already what.. Right Winston? >.<
12. How do you see yourself?
Hm.. Philosophical bah. Rofl. I always think too much.. Maybe thats why I can understand how most people feel.. That's why I usually don't quarrel with people much. I just try to persuade them in a calm manner explaining their flaw in thought process etc.. I can tell my dad is quite pissed at me pointing out all his logical flaws =\
Ah another one. I think I am a failure. Fail at being funny, end up being lame. Fail at getting results I want. Fail at this. Fail at that. I can't remember me actually meeting any expectations set by myself in my life. Of course cannot say parents. Cos my dad want me become president scholar. He say "You cannot one meh?".. One out of whole country. Wth -.-"
13. Who are currently the most important people to you?
Erm. My mum (no not my dad, seriously). My sis (she insisted I add when she saw me typing this. She was practically whining XD).
My very close friends who won't mind whatever stupid things I do or say, such as Justin, Wen Quan, Winston, etc. (if you're not here, you're not impt to me... Lol jk. Just not important enough to come to my mind in the first second I saw this question)
How I wish I can write my girlfriend's/wife's name here. But nope. Single still >.<
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Fun and Funny. Quite lame as me also. Lol.. Oh ya.. My lunch buddy XD
15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Can I choose married AND rich? Haha.. Well seriously, I wouldn't want my loved one to suffer if I decide to marry her. I'll either slog myself out or not marry her and let her marry someone else rich and give her a good life.
16. How many children do you want to have, if any?
Probably 0~3 bah. Ask my future wife on this again. I can't make kids on my own right. Haha
17. What's better, to give or to receive?
What happened to "Give AND Take?" =P
18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
How's that supposed to happen? -.-
Anyway, if that happens, see which one respond back first =)
19. What would you do if you (or your girlfriend) became pregnant unexpectedly?
What? Er.. I get pregnant? That's wrong lol.. And I don't have a girlfriend now anyway..
20. What are you waiting for right now?
Someone to walk into my life.. Man, I sound so despo >.<
1) Felicia (my sis. you better write me down too XD)
2) Altessa (if you did check my blog out.. then again, do only if u got blog la. If got do gimme your blog URL i want poke poke see see haha =P)
3) Chi Hung (my good o' HK CS buddy lol)
I shall spare the rest since they already kanna.. according to what I see on your blogs >.<
Btw, have a look at the powderful English our school library upholds...

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