Thursday, July 31, 2008
Cool Uncle
Saw this cool sight. A car on the long walkway back to school
(TJ students should recognise this path)
The uncle in the car actually smiled and waved to us XD
But on the MRT back home, I was telling Mianjun about this.. then I'm like hm.. Where can he drive to.. the other end of the walkway is HDB void deck liao.. LOL
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Blog Tag =\
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B) Tag eight people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
1. What are your reasons for having a LJ?
LJ.. meaning? L** Jiao? Long John? Live Journal? How I know sia.. Lol.
2. What do you do before bedtime?
Probably using my laptop I guess.. I have nothing much else to do.
Unless you want to include brushing my teeth, pee-ing and saying good night to my parents.. Well of course that's DIRECTLY before I lie on my bed...
Oh wait.. actually I lie on my bed and think of a lot of random nonsense before I sleep =P
3. What will your dream wedding be like?
Hm. No idea. Ask my future wife. I'll probably follow along. I quite easy going one, unless it's things that go against my ideals etc..
4. What is the city of your dreams and why?
Erm. Somewhere safe, environmentally friendly AND healthy (no smog and 1000degrees temperature for the win), cheap, stress-free. No point living in the city of my dreams as a poor beggar, nor is it any better to slog my whole life in the city of my dreams.
5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Eh. Depends bah. To close friends and most guys, they think I'm hiong and extrovert..
To strangers AND girls... "Hi. Er..." *fiddle fingers* >.<
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Well, frankly speaking. Depends. Loving someone always feels nice. But if the person doesn't reciprocate after a looooong time or she ignores you PURPOSELY and that kind of stuff, of course not good la.. Gorden and me can hold testimonial to this =\
Being loved is often said to be better. But you see ar.. You must try to understand why people sometimes reject others. They don't like the person "chasing" him/her what.. If you are being loved by someone you loathe or hate, you tell me how you feel blessed? You'll feel more like dying...
Actually ar.. I think the best is still BOTH people zhun zhun love each other =)
But then again, hasn't happened in my life before, so I can only "think".. cannot confirm =(
7. Do you trust easily?
Quite bah.. Once I know you slightly I'll just share almost anything with you, my life, my family stuff etc.. But some 'sensitive' areas like sexuality, relationships, racial, religious stuff I'll only open up if the opposite party initiate by talking about it. Then I'll be like "ah ok, you're the kind who is open to discussion about this kind of stuff", then I'll talk about those kind of stuff.
To me, I think in any kind of relationship, trust is the most important thing lor.. Why else is my MSN comment "Trust. That wins everything." Though it was created when I got pissed at my dota clanmates not understanding that teamwork and trust can win individual skills anytime >.<
8. What person, dead or alive, is your role model?
Role model ar.. I have different role models for each kind of aspect in life. Sometimes more than 1 in an area in life.. Too many to name la.. But here's a few: Maths Teacher:
Mr Low Chang Hong (his ability to bond with students and his funniness)
Computing Teacher:
Mr Claude Chua (his ability to bond with students and his self-unaware funniness)
Mr Desmond Kao (his ability to command respect from students without being overly strict)
Eyeshield21 Devil Bats Team (though they're just manga.. they're quite inspirational)
P.S. Wondering why I mentioned teachers? I did say I wanted to be a teacher right.. RIGHT..? lol
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Not really bah. I think.. I usually get over things rather quickly unless they're things close to heart, like relationships.
10. When's the last time you had fun?
Hm... Depends on the degree of fun. I have all kinds of fun everyday. Just different magnitude. I find doing math and coding fun. Lol... HEY YOU. Don't gimme that wierd look ok.
11. Is being tagged fun?
Quite fun bah. But a bit lame la. If you want to know anything just ask me lor. If you're that close to me to bother tagging me, I'll probably be sharing almost anything with you already what.. Right Winston? >.<
12. How do you see yourself?
Hm.. Philosophical bah. Rofl. I always think too much.. Maybe thats why I can understand how most people feel.. That's why I usually don't quarrel with people much. I just try to persuade them in a calm manner explaining their flaw in thought process etc.. I can tell my dad is quite pissed at me pointing out all his logical flaws =\
Ah another one. I think I am a failure. Fail at being funny, end up being lame. Fail at getting results I want. Fail at this. Fail at that. I can't remember me actually meeting any expectations set by myself in my life. Of course cannot say parents. Cos my dad want me become president scholar. He say "You cannot one meh?".. One out of whole country. Wth -.-"
13. Who are currently the most important people to you?
Erm. My mum (no not my dad, seriously). My sis (she insisted I add when she saw me typing this. She was practically whining XD).
My very close friends who won't mind whatever stupid things I do or say, such as Justin, Wen Quan, Winston, etc. (if you're not here, you're not impt to me... Lol jk. Just not important enough to come to my mind in the first second I saw this question)
How I wish I can write my girlfriend's/wife's name here. But nope. Single still >.<
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Fun and Funny. Quite lame as me also. Lol.. Oh ya.. My lunch buddy XD
15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Can I choose married AND rich? Haha.. Well seriously, I wouldn't want my loved one to suffer if I decide to marry her. I'll either slog myself out or not marry her and let her marry someone else rich and give her a good life.
16. How many children do you want to have, if any?
Probably 0~3 bah. Ask my future wife on this again. I can't make kids on my own right. Haha
17. What's better, to give or to receive?
What happened to "Give AND Take?" =P
18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
How's that supposed to happen? -.-
Anyway, if that happens, see which one respond back first =)
19. What would you do if you (or your girlfriend) became pregnant unexpectedly?
What? Er.. I get pregnant? That's wrong lol.. And I don't have a girlfriend now anyway..
20. What are you waiting for right now?
Someone to walk into my life.. Man, I sound so despo >.<
1) Felicia (my sis. you better write me down too XD)
2) Altessa (if you did check my blog out.. then again, do only if u got blog la. If got do gimme your blog URL i want poke poke see see haha =P)
3) Chi Hung (my good o' HK CS buddy lol)
I shall spare the rest since they already kanna.. according to what I see on your blogs >.<
Btw, have a look at the powderful English our school library upholds...

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Alpha II Day 3 - My last as well =(
So why did I say it's my last? Because Sunday I going airport with friends to study till late and Monday I have school which ends relatively late. When I reach home, sure to be over 5pm already =(
Anyway, since this is the last day of Alpha II for me..
PICTURE SPAMMMMM!!! I regret not re-installing Snagit to take videos -.-
(same for pictures in previous posts ^^)
(IGN: SozoS)
Wheeeee... If only I could do this during Standing Broad Jump =\
Oh hi wolfie!
Stop being a crywolfy and gimme my loot!
(IGN: ZosoZ)
(IGN: Hidden)
(IGN: Lego-less)
Random Pictures:
Before I logged off, I saw Altessa online!! ^^
and... It's time to PARTAY!!
We decided to do the easiest boss instance/quest for the fun of it =P
Choing arrrrr!!!
Aww.. Died. Let's revive XD
DIE IN THE NAME OF... erm.. who?
Monster Charge V.S. Mage's Lightning Shield
Oh yay. it died.
We're "S" grade. Top-notched =)
It was all fun and joy. Definitely will pick it up again at the end of the year during Close Beta Testing (CBT)! =D
Related Links (SPAMMMM):
IAHGames Official Website
Dragonica's Offical Website
CM Kaye's Blog (CM -> Community Manager):
Dragonica Forum (fun place to be ^^):
My Compilation of Alpha II data:
Compilation of Alpha II bugs (yes, again. what do you expect? IT IS Alpha II testing. Sure a lot bugs):
Funny Alpha II Joke!
Alpha II Day 2
Here are more pics:
Fighting Vega, a boss, in an instance/quest thingy..
Yes of course I died. I'm not godlike..... yet. Haha
Meet dolly.
Woodi! So cute >.<
Spider pig. Spider pig..
The Mage's Skill Tree (of course la! I playing mage what. =\)
For those interested.. you might wanna check out these. Some stuff that I did to contribute to Alpha II testing =\
Alpha II Data Compilation!
Alpha II Bugs - A Compilation
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Some pics. Lazy to type stuff. Gotta sleep
Weird green arrow.
Rofl! Typo in beginner guide
Some bugs:
Its out!
Anyway.. DRAGONICA IS FINALLY OUT (24/7/08 12:00 to be exact)!!
Though its Alpha II nia >.<
Good thing I've completed my A level Computing coding for PART B on Tuesday.. Now I can full enjoy playing it without feeling guilty XD
Still downloading the client as of 1am in the morning.. Sian.. Hope I can keep awake in school tomorrow.. zzzz
Friday, July 18, 2008
TJC Physics Dept Wins.
At the beginning of our lecture, the teacher told us that our June Common Test (JCT) grades are quite reflective of our IQ levels. He made it sound so serious and stuff.. Then he suddenly flashed this. ROFL!

In case you can't see...
How high is your IQ?
A - Albert Einstein
B - Barack Obama
C - Christina Aguilera
D - David Beckham
E - Elmo
S - Spongebob Squarepants
U - Ultimate Warrior
Winnah! I'm a blackie yo! Lol... I wish all the other departments were as entertaining and stress-relieving as the Physics Department XD
So far, only the Math lecturers (only some.. Like Fazli, Ngoh, Lim, etc.), were entertaining..
The Econs lecturers all CMI la.. Only 1 can really teach... The HOD of Econs (really explains why she became HOD right... Lol).
What about Computing? Fun at times but hard to say, because our dear Mr Kao seems to have some form of male-PMS.. His emotions very erratic one =(
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Racial Harmony Day
Yes yes.. we're sort of coerced into it by our "best debator" Indian classmate Elakeyaa.
"Very nice one!"
"Everyone is wearing it!"
"Wear a long sleeved collar shirt, looks the best!"
"Dhoti is not a skirt, tomorrow I show you."
I'm like "What the hell? You open shop is it? Can supply whole class...". But heck. Last year. Just try la >.< Guess what... In the end? Only 5 girls (including 2 Indians) and 3 guys wore the Indian costumes (3 others gave up like 1 period after wearing it..).. SOMEMORE, long sleeved + collar so DOES NOT fit with the dhoti... AND IT IS A SKIRT.. I feel so scammed.. zzzzz
After some further observation.. I think our class girls look pretty in the Indian costumes lor.. Look at Mianjun at the picture below la! Wah... And the guys all look like shit -.-
I seriously think this kind of thing.. Must girls wear, then guys just look =P

The only group shot I got.. because I had to leave at 12pm for the FFGCC competition zzzz...
Only Zac looks decent because he wore a plain singlet-like t-shirt. Which made him look like a roti prata seller. And he kept reminding me of the "RK HOUSE" joke.. I kept asking him for "pork curry". Lol.. In the end all of us look more malay than Indian.. What joke.
RK House -
We were supposed to take class photos during Civics.. but then I gtg at 12pm because I taking part in Fastest Fingers GC Competition (FFGCC).. Sounds grand? It's retarded. It made me miss the FUNNEST lesson in school (Civics), miss out on class photo taking.. AND most importantly, miss out on celebrating Gorden's birthday at 1.40pm =(
On the way to MJC (yes FFGCC held in MJC), we were besotted (lol what a word to use) by 3 SMU girls who needed photos for some photo collage for their CIP. They say got chance to win IPoD nano.. bah heck. Let's do a good deed. Maybe will raise our luck later haha.. So we took pictures and left our names and email addresses there.. After that, a pair of SMU guys wanted to take our photos again.. we're like "We just took... -.-"". Like Wei Cheng said, I seriously think even if the guys asked first we won't agree one lor.. Lol.. How sexist (against our own sex somemore.. ROFL)
And guess what we did for FFGCC?
15 math questions, answer in 3.s.f., each question 2.5min
Team of 3 (Person A, Person B, Person C)
Individual scoring system:
- Total time (in minutes) taken in answering all 15 questions [1min -> 1 point]
- Wrong answers -> +3 points
Team score = A's points + B's points + C's points
Lowest team score wins.
The questions are so retarded la.. I think we lose in Preliminary round lol.. When I type finish I look up at the scoreboard, apparently half the people typed in their answers already -.-
Lol forget it. Just hope win IPoD Nano. ROFL.. Fat hope XD
Oh, below are just some random stuff Ryan and me did during Computing.. we were seriously bored and I decided to use Ryan's Indian dhoti cloth to make a ninja headgear ROFL.
He stole some shots while I was listening to Mr Kao.. =\
Yes it is a BLACK dot on my head. It's not a black head. It's a sticker to emulate the Indian dot.. careful, don't anger me. Ima shoot mah laserz from my dot at ya!! RAWRRRR!! ^^
Ah yes, our trilogy of "The Indian White Ninja"...
(I named it like that. It was just an impromptu videoing of random stuff lol!)
Alert! Indian White Ninja detected! =O
The Indian White Ninja strikes!
The Indian White Ninja strikes BACK (again)!!
Things to watch out for:
-> Mr Kao's "finger gun" at the start of the video (IT WAS INTENDED BY HIM LOL!)
-> The "swiftness" of the ninja attack. Lmao.
-> The item Ryan dropped when he "died".
P.S. Now you know what we do in Computing.. HAR HAR!
Was listening to this one the way back from Mrs Raj's Econs tuition.. I have no idea why but this is one of the 3 Linkin Park songs that I feel for. Like they speak/relate to me..
"In the End" reminds me of all the hard work I put in then end up failing or not getting what I expected/wanted (like erm.. O levels? -.-). Actually this happens to me many times.. So maybe that's why this song speaks out to me =\
The other 2:
1) Linkin Park - Numb (I shown the lyrics last time.. LOOOONG time ago in my blog)
2) Linkin Park - Faint
Linkin Park - In the End
[Verse 1]
It starts with one thing
I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It's so unreal
Didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on, but didn't even know
Wasted it all just to watch you go
I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
[Verse 2]
One thing, I don't know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try, keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme, to explain in due time
I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised it got so (far)
Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me (in the end)
You kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
[Bridge - Sung 2x]
I’ve put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this
There's only one thing you should know
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Random Alignment Tests and Random Pictures o.O
Your result for The Alignment Test by Xan81 ...
64% Good, 28% Chaotic
Examples of Lawful-Goods (Ethically Lawful, Morally Good)
Aeris "Aerith" Gainsborough (FFVII)
The Tick ("Lawful Stupid")
Abraham Lincoln
Sherlock Holmes
Phileas Fogg
Captain Picard
A person with a lawful good attitude believes in the use of authority and rule of law to bring good to the greatest number of people. Her/His actions support the status quo and s/he uses systems and organizations to achieve good goals.
S/He will keep his/her word and value truth.
S/He will avoid the use of poison and use violence only when authorized to do so or in self defense.
S/He may or may not be disciplined, organized, emotionally restrained, caring, compassionate, and peaceful, but s/he believes that these are admirable qualities.
Respects law and order and is willing to suffer limitations on individual freedom for the benefit of the group.
Puts moral principles before material considerations.
The lawful good person will be a very faithful member of a group, but if the laws of the group clash with the ethics dictated by his or her moral alignment, the lawful good person will probably leave that group and look for a group more closely aligned with his or her ethics.
The lawful good person is an active advocate of his or her beliefs.
Lawful Good "Saintly"
A lawful good [person] upholds society and its laws, believing that these laws are created to work for the good and prosperity of all. He is both honest and benevolent. He will work within the established system to change it for the better, and strives to bring order to goodness that other good-aligned [people] might pool their resources to better the world. A lawful good [person] combines a commitment to oppose evil with discipline. Most lawful good [people] live by a strict code of honor, or by the rules of conduct set down by their deity. They will generally selflessly act by these codes even at the cost of their own life.
Lawful good combines honor and compassion for the innocent.
A knight/paladin who always follows the orders of his superiors is an example of a lawful good [person].
D&D Online Alignment Test
By David Noonan
Your Character’s Alignment
Based on your answers to the quiz, your character’s most likely alignment is Neutral.
A neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. She doesn’t feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutrality is a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil. After all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she’s not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run. The common phrase for neutral is "true neutral." Neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion.
--excerpted from the Player’s Handbook, Chapter 6
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interesting.. I tend to be neutral/good eh? I guess my dark side is receding since Primary school days as a gangster.. and yeah, I was always the shorter few in class.. "Hey look, here comes Davin the puny gangster. RUNNNN!!" =O
The quote was a joke if you didn't notice -.-
Presenting you..
Taken yesterday during Physics...
The 20-year-old chick! Li YingXiao!!! Rofl. I guess he was just too bored =p

Ah yes, and today, the cute blood buddy visited us... Yay...
HOLY CRAP IT'S A GIRL?! First time see blood buddy with skirt.. Even cuter XD

And I found this in my phone.. Just how many months old is this.. >.<

"Wait ar.. I take off my specs.."

"Cute? ^^"
"Come come.. Must act philosophical and chim.. Then girls will admire and like.."

"Now for the finale, watch me imba this like some gu zhen (some chinese instrument).."

P.S. All the quotes are made up by me. Only the 1st and last ones are roughly said (I rephrased from memory) by him.. months ago.. Lol XD
Monday, July 14, 2008
PART B Round 2.. Ready... Set...
So I went to check out the specimen paper markscheme.. Hm..
- Employee class
- Salaried employee class // just create.. ^^
- Hourly employee class // just create.. ^^
- Open files for appropriate classes
- Get record from employee file
- Use employee type // never mention use other 2 classes.. hehe..
- To store data in appropriate object
- Display data using appropriate method(s)
- Validate data
- Use appropriate methods to store new data
- Create updated record
- Write record to uemployee file
- loop (for all records)
- close files
[1 per point, maximum 12 points]
NICE LA!!! Just create the subclasses get 2 marks. Then use "appropriate methods", not necessarily using inheritance the right way.. Lol.. So.. There you have it.
Lets end if off with part of a convo on MSN:
Rodney says:
is everyone spamming u for help
|=-SozoS-=| Anyone needs help?? || C'mon CG24/07, Coursework PART B. Let's go!! || Stop bombarding me 10 at a time.. says:
yes i'm sad
|=-SozoS-=| Anyone needs help?? || C'mon CG24/07, Coursework PART B. Let's go!! || Stop bombarding me 10 at a time.. says:
its like i have no life.
Rodney says:
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Choices... and an irritating spoilt cassette player
1) Overseas Community Involvement Programme (OCIP) - Cambodia 2007
2) Taiwan Immersion Programme (TIP) 2007
What about the last one?
-> IT Club - Secretary
-> 24hours video competition - 2nd runner up
-> National Olympics for Informatics (NOI) - Bronze
-> H3 NTU Math
-> Discrete Math Elective - Top in class
-> Peer tutoring - Tutor
-> Mardi Gras - Performer
-> Helping the Chem Dept redo their E-learning package for JC1
Oh man.. Which one.. Can't decide.. Help anyone? >.<
Meh I see a man loitering at the corridor outside my house...

I think he's stealing internet from someone.. Lucky my wireless internet got put password =\
DISCLAIMER: Lots of spamming below. Don't read if you don't want to. Just skip this part.
Yup. Its been rambling on and on for the past 30 minutes because I turned on my computer to do coding. And he just made me more pissed off at Buddhism. Lol. Other people believe in it means I must believe meh? I don't believe means I die or suffer? Lol. Nice la. Very very convincing way of trying to get me to believe in it. I'm so sure what you're doing is conforming to what Buddhism preaches. Joker. I know more about Buddhism than you and what turns me off is because YOU always misuse it (to threaten people etc) and never follow it yourself. Bloody hypocrite. Oh didn't I say I hate hypocrites? Ah nice la. Say somemore.. Correct la. I stupid la hor. I never get AAAAA. You very smart la ok. Never pass in any exam before. Ya ya ya its because I got tuition etc. Look at my Econs la. Tuition till worst subject result. No tuition subjects like Computing and Maths leh? Want fight ar? You ownself not that smart you expect me be smart? You gimme shit genes I accept liao, you want me do what? Whole day don't know anything make so much noise. Everytime don't bother to know anything, then scold scold scold, when we argue back with facts, you say "Just now never say". What bullshit. You always say "Tell your mom. Don't tell me".... Ya la. YOUR HOUSE, YOUR MONEY. YOU BIG LA. Big deal. At most next time I don't live with you lor. You ownself say one. Don't want my money next time. Fine lor. I make sure I don't let my mum give you a single cent. Go die la. You think I endure all these bullshit for what? Just because I need you to pay for my living now. You think we really like you ar? No man. You just wait. And now wtf you trying to do? Threaten us with "7th Ghost Festival Month". Lol wtf. Childish. We're always in the wrong. No matter what we do we're always wrong, you're always right. I cannot help friends/classmates/teachers because I never help you. What kind of logic is that? Not to mention you taking every single opportunity to flame and demoralise us. Neither my sis or me have ever heard you praise us before, not even for once or for the smallest thing. NEVER.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Man. I hate school.
As we started on our $3 Opera House Fish Ball Noodles, Jon was constantly commenting while Winston watched in amusement.
Zachary - 4min 22sec
Davin (me) - 13min
Omg. What the crap. I guess I still uphold my title of the "Slowest eater ever". I hardly ever eaten faster than anyone sitting at the same table as me before. They happen are so seldomly that they're countable by my fingers.. Lol.
After lunch was the dreaded Economics DOUBLE period. Confirm will sleep.. Zzzz
So to keep myself awake, I decided to do some Complex Numbers problems (hey! Complex numbers are SUPER SUPER fun. I'm serious!) while listening to Mrs Ang rattle on and on..
While doing, this made me laugh so loud inside myself that I think I burst my lungs:

It says "Warming Up Questions (If you don't do so, you may run the risk of severe injuries later..)"
ROFL!! The teacher who was making Tutorial 2 must be seriously bored or just plain funny haha XD
Anyway, Mrs Ang soon noticed I was writing stuff down even though she's talking something that we don't need to write. And so she came to my table, and saw the math problems, and got pissed off and said "You want do maths, you go outside do. Next time don't come my class."
Lol. Gladly. But I bet you'll go and backstab me and complain to other teachers, especially Miss Woodford, "Davin ar.. blah blah blah", so screw you, I'm not going to fall for it.
Ok fine. I keep my maths. Let's see how long I can last your boringness..
Time check (since I kept maths) when my eyelids started to fall: 1min
(or was it less than that, I took some time to move my arm up so I could see my watch)
After which, she reprimanded me and told me "If you want to sleep, go sickbay."
Ok, sure. I'll do just that. Don't tempt me further or I'll go sickbay every single Econs lesson from now on.
Enough said. I mean c'mon la, if you can't multi-task doesn't mean your students cannot multitask right. I do maths AND listen to you doesn't mean I'm not listening right? Surely that's better than SLEEPING. Also, teachers teaching arts subjects (such as Economics) should be more open-minded to opinions. Whole day say "You are too extreme", "You are not feasible", "Stop talking nonsense".. Nice la, so much for the government's effort to boost creativity. I mean c'mon la, look at Miss Woodford. If you suggest something plausible, she'll sidetrack for a while and discuss it. If its freaking obvious you're trying to be funny, obviously she'll just ignore it, BUT she NEVER slams you. If others can do it, why can't you? Sheesh.
Okay, let's stop being mean.
After the horrendous double Econs period passed, we all split up and went for GP essay review lectures. Ryan and me did the History question and so we went to Seminar Rm 1. There were apparently 4 others waiting outside because the room was locked.. After a while, everyone started sitting down on the stairs. Ryan took out my guitar and played a few songs and I sang along (yes I did, no one complained. Whee.. XD). Then I checked my watch again. 4pm. What the hell. We waited 1hr and the teacher never come? SIAN! Waste time.. Zzzz
Ryan speculated: The teacher must have thought no one in the right mind would do such a boring question. Lol.. Anyway, while we left, Ryan and me told the rest "Hey people, forget it, this is HISTORY". How punny eh? =P
Oh btw I took this picture days ago during temperature taking. Winston and his trusty CLINICAL THERMOMETER! Holy crap. I thought it was extinct.. Now we all know they're just hiding and waiting to rule over the world again some day...