Today was the day of the results.. We were supposed to go (if you think you are confident of getting a medal).. They were going to spend 2hours going through the solutions to the questions and brainwashing us to join NUS School of Computing.. Then at 12pm they give out the results.
Since I wasn't confident of getting any thing, I decide not to go and go for dental checkup (which I ended up not going since I have to book appointment before hand -.-).. Guess what? Joel sms-ed me at 12pm+ saying I got a bronze medal.. The only medalist from TJ.. I'm like "WT? Dude.. its a bit late for April's Fools... you did 2 perfect questions, I did 3 non-perfect questions.. How can I get it and you don't get it?" So I decided to sms Mr Chua, the J1 Computing teacher who's in charged of sending students for computing related competitions.. And it's true! I did win a Bronze and I'm somehow the only one in TJ who won something.. He said he'll pass me the medal and the cert on Monday..
Yup. Thats me! =D
Damn, we suck. Look at the number of schools ranked in front of us >.<
What unbelievable luck... But I'm not complaining =P
P.S. Thank you Tyche and Fortuna!! Love you-es, God and Goddess of Luck! Maybe I should publish my Theory on Luck Multiplier =)
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