Went for NS checkup yesterday at CMPB.. in Bukit Merah, near the interchange.
Here's a paint drawing of the layout of CMPB.. its sort of like a maze in there lah.. Can't take pictures.. At the entrance they ask you to show them your phone, if got camera function, they'll give you a locker key and ask you to store your phone inside before you can enter.
Basically there are 4 rooms:
(1) Waiting room (has counter, phototaking room)
(2) Physical checkup area 1 (urine test, blood test, etc)
(3) Physical checkup area 2 (ear test, chest xray, consultation room, etc)
(4) "Mental" checkup area (more like a huge room with computers where you do IQ tests)
My medical checkup book 8am but I reach there like 7.30am but haven't start.. There were 2 guys there already.. So I went to sleep, when I woke up at 8am, there was a queue of about 10 people already.. Wth.. So I queued up and I was given a pink form which was to be signed by people at different stations.. We just ran around the whole place from station to station, each checking a particular thing.. like urine test, blood test, ear test, eye test, dental test, etc la.. you know.. blah blah..
Oh by the way, at every station, there's 2 types of medics.. The pros (in white or home clothes) and the noobs (those in brown uniform).. So obviously, if you can, try to get the pros to check you and stuff.. You don't want to get poked by a needle more than once just cos the noob can't find your vein right XD
Yes yes, I know some of you probably want to know if they fondle with your "little brother and stuff.. Well, sad to disappoint you, but in the Consultation room, the guy just ask you to stand at the wall and pull off your pants. He'll just take a look and ask you to pull up your pants, then he'll ask questions like "Do you have any medical background?", "Does anyone in your family have any medical background?", etc
Well.. About my Physical Employment Status (PES)... I'm quite pissed la.. At every station they'll "grade" you and write what PES you are for their particular station.. I got "A" for everything.. then during consultation.. the dude says want to go KK Hospital get my medical report on my migrane which I went in Primary School.. So he gave me PES D (pending for medical report), for 3months, instead of PES A (fit for ALL operations).. Wa lau..
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