By the way, I didn't post yesterday.. was too tired.. So I just posted before i posted this...
Oh ya.. I just remembered yesterday when I was practising on my guitar.. one of the female guitarist in the all girls band use the exact same guitar as mine.. total black.. and same model.. lol.. whats the chance sia.. XD
Well, I typed the above while I was in school in the computer lab having computing.. a bit bored.. so yeah..
After computing, we had math extra lesson.. then just when it ended, there's this huge fogging exercise.. We looked out of the door glass window.. Holy shit, the whole corridor is white.. We waited for like 5 minutes or so for the fog to disperse.. but it didn't..
So we had our very own little "biological warfare" exercise. Everyone took a deep breath, then opened the door and ran towards the place they were heading to (canteen, other classes, field, bus stop, etc).. It looked damn hilarious haha.. Too bad I didnt have a video of it.. Well, but I took a few shots of the extent of the fogging while I was running to IT Club room to take out my stored electric guitar and bring home.

No.. this time it isnt my phone camera that's crappy.. IT IS THAT FOGGY! Gosh.
Then on the bus way home with Justin, we stopped outside a secondary school (St Patrick's I think).. we saw many white stuff on the field.. On closer inspection.. they're birds! 6pm and the whole school field is filled with white birds?! Thats interesting..

The pictures are taken while on the bus so not very clear.. but you get the idea
And for dinner.. I ate this "Special Discount" $4 rice with chicken and egg. Wow.. really "special discount".. the chicken has more ginger and garnishes than the chicken itself.. I eat halfway buay tahan.. decided to take a picture of it and post on the blog.

Look! So many garnishes, even after my mum ate some of them already.. zzz
P.S. Today was overall a very happy day. I finished my linked stack coding, Fawwaz is allowed to continue Mardi Gras, Ryan agreed to sing for us, and Chi Hung said he's coming back to Singapore for 1wk from 3~10 May! Yay for everything =D
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