Truely Inspired.
Reading this manga, introduced to me by Justin, really added on to my desire to train and hitch on my inborn longer leg-to-body proportion to do smth useful.
Its a manga about this kid who always get bullied hence he ended up being imba at running. He was then 'talent-spotted' to joining the American Football Club in his school. He then brings his team to victory with the help of his teammates.
Enjoy! =)
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Mission:Singapore - FingerGun Fight
Sry, didnt intend to shoot you. Just practising for what I gonna do on 31st May =P
Got introduced to this by Jon in class last week.. Thought it was quite cool and asked him for more details. He then invited me on Facebook and (duh) I joined.. Har Har.
Ripped off the facebook event account...
Mission:Singapore- FingerGun Fight
"What the BANG!" (WTB!) 31st May 2008
Event Info
Mission:Singapore- FingerGun Fight
"What the BANG!" (WTB!) 31st May 2008
Mission:Singapore (M:SG)
Causes - Rally
Time and Place
Saturday, May 31, 2008
4:00pm - 6:00pm
"THE best location" Can't reveal just yet.
Singapore, South Africa
Contact Info
Raise your Finger and yell BANG! Ever wish your in a game world?This is basically a Flash mob whats a Flash mob ? "A flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual action for a brief period of time, then quickly disperse. "The date and time has been set to the 31th of May at 3:30 pm (time flexible still)This act has been inspired by the baned Xbox 360 commercialI think the video should speak for itself. check out our Mission : Singapore website and video: world if Just a GAME . Join the flashmob.

Or simply check it out at:
Have fun! =D
Sry, didnt intend to shoot you. Just practising for what I gonna do on 31st May =P
Got introduced to this by Jon in class last week.. Thought it was quite cool and asked him for more details. He then invited me on Facebook and (duh) I joined.. Har Har.
Ripped off the facebook event account...
Mission:Singapore- FingerGun Fight
"What the BANG!" (WTB!) 31st May 2008
Event Info
Mission:Singapore- FingerGun Fight
"What the BANG!" (WTB!) 31st May 2008
Mission:Singapore (M:SG)
Causes - Rally
Time and Place
Saturday, May 31, 2008
4:00pm - 6:00pm
"THE best location" Can't reveal just yet.
Singapore, South Africa
Contact Info
Raise your Finger and yell BANG! Ever wish your in a game world?This is basically a Flash mob whats a Flash mob ? "A flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual action for a brief period of time, then quickly disperse. "The date and time has been set to the 31th of May at 3:30 pm (time flexible still)This act has been inspired by the baned Xbox 360 commercialI think the video should speak for itself. check out our Mission : Singapore website and video: world if Just a GAME . Join the flashmob.
Or simply check it out at:
Have fun! =D
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday. Fun and Mesmerising.
Yup. Yet another late post about the day before. Reached home like 11pm+ then watched TV and went to sleep. Haha..
In the morning, I had OCIP Orientation! Woo.. Quite fun la.. Basically we had this event to bond the J1s who are going for overseas outreach this year, and to share with them our experiences as seniors and "guo lai ren".
Here's a few pictures:
Playing Ice-Breaker Games ('Do you love your Neighbour?' and 'Double Whacko')

Time for Team Bonding Games! Build a 90cm length and 50cm height structure to carry a mass tin of water!
But but but.. Marcus and Kevin were damn imba. seriously. Gosh la.. that 10 yr old kid like my classical guitar idol sia.. I want to reach that kind of skill level as him.. Currently I'm like 0.000001% his level lol.. The TJC Rock Band also quite gd.. and the bassist is seriously funny haha.. He's so jumpy and he attracts more attention than the singer or the guitarists or the drummer or the pianist.. No matter who you look at initially, you will be drawn towards his bouncing and funny moves haha.. And the senior ensemble.. what can I say.. some (good) things better left unsaid =)
Here's some snapshots I took with my camera! Quite crappy quality though..
In the morning, I had OCIP Orientation! Woo.. Quite fun la.. Basically we had this event to bond the J1s who are going for overseas outreach this year, and to share with them our experiences as seniors and "guo lai ren".
Here's a few pictures:
Playing Ice-Breaker Games ('Do you love your Neighbour?' and 'Double Whacko')

Hah! 2 ppl who tio forfeit.. singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.. cheap thrill.. =\
Time for Team Bonding Games! Build a 90cm length and 50cm height structure to carry a mass tin of water!
The "3H" game in LT4:

And at night.. its TJC's Guitar Concert! Aurora XII - Viva La Amicizia (which means Live on Friendship). Actually... I find the only interesting parts of the concert are the Senior ensemble, TJC Rock Band (One-Off) and the Special Guests (Marcus and Kevin Loh).. I seriously find the Junior ensemble boring.. the exco one even worse.. they've been practising that song since last year.. still dare showcase.. okay la, maybe I was expecting too much =\

And at night.. its TJC's Guitar Concert! Aurora XII - Viva La Amicizia (which means Live on Friendship). Actually... I find the only interesting parts of the concert are the Senior ensemble, TJC Rock Band (One-Off) and the Special Guests (Marcus and Kevin Loh).. I seriously find the Junior ensemble boring.. the exco one even worse.. they've been practising that song since last year.. still dare showcase.. okay la, maybe I was expecting too much =\
But but but.. Marcus and Kevin were damn imba. seriously. Gosh la.. that 10 yr old kid like my classical guitar idol sia.. I want to reach that kind of skill level as him.. Currently I'm like 0.000001% his level lol.. The TJC Rock Band also quite gd.. and the bassist is seriously funny haha.. He's so jumpy and he attracts more attention than the singer or the guitarists or the drummer or the pianist.. No matter who you look at initially, you will be drawn towards his bouncing and funny moves haha.. And the senior ensemble.. what can I say.. some (good) things better left unsaid =)
Here's some snapshots I took with my camera! Quite crappy quality though..
The Guitar Ticket!
TJC Guitar Club's Band - One Off. Maybe its only an one-off performance, after this they gonna disband.. Haha

Thats all folks! =D
Friday, April 25, 2008
A Day of Learning
Today was quite an interesting day. Learnt quite many things. Both intellectually and socially.
During physics lecture, this ang moh French dude came and give us a talk on his research.. basically its related to STM (not Short Term Memory.. Scanning Tunneling Microscope). He showed us some cool flash movies he made (damn nice la! 3D somemore.. sia la..), some scanning tunneling molecule videos. Although the atoms dont look very clear and quite fuzzy, it was quite cool sia.. Haha.. then he told us the new fields being explored.. quantum physics methods of trying to create a circuit (hence a CPU), making an atom turn, and hopefully turn another larger atom beside it, and slowly end up turning a huge thingy (wah. imagine a puny atom turning a huge wheel.. imba.)
Yeah.. many cool stuff.. We were given this 2 page handout (colour-printed in quality paper!) and a pen (which doesnt work LOL).. Dr Christian Joachim was a very interesting speaker.. but his French accent quite hard to follow at times.. the China scholars sitting a few chairs away kept giving a strained and pained look.. Damn hilarious XD
After his talk, he was given some souvenir thingy from the school.. I took 2 pictures when some French teacher was giving him the souvenir, she even asked him to come back next year! (But I wont be here liao... damn..)
During physics lecture, this ang moh French dude came and give us a talk on his research.. basically its related to STM (not Short Term Memory.. Scanning Tunneling Microscope). He showed us some cool flash movies he made (damn nice la! 3D somemore.. sia la..), some scanning tunneling molecule videos. Although the atoms dont look very clear and quite fuzzy, it was quite cool sia.. Haha.. then he told us the new fields being explored.. quantum physics methods of trying to create a circuit (hence a CPU), making an atom turn, and hopefully turn another larger atom beside it, and slowly end up turning a huge thingy (wah. imagine a puny atom turning a huge wheel.. imba.)
Yeah.. many cool stuff.. We were given this 2 page handout (colour-printed in quality paper!) and a pen (which doesnt work LOL).. Dr Christian Joachim was a very interesting speaker.. but his French accent quite hard to follow at times.. the China scholars sitting a few chairs away kept giving a strained and pained look.. Damn hilarious XD
After his talk, he was given some souvenir thingy from the school.. I took 2 pictures when some French teacher was giving him the souvenir, she even asked him to come back next year! (But I wont be here liao... damn..)
Wah.. everyone get this super high quality COLOURED paper.. he must have spent a bomb printing it.
The pen that doesnt work.. Thank ar..

Dr Joachim scratching his throat.. maybe he talk too long without a break and without drinking water, thats why his throat so itchy.
Also.. today.. I found out 2 ways to improve concentration in class.. Of which, the first is probably obvious but I have be heck-caring.. and the 2nd one? Something Mervyn invented during Math tutorial. Haha
1) Talk Less Learn More (TLLM) - States the obvious. Lol
2) Lift Legs = Awake + Abs! (LLAA) - Involves sitting at the end of the chair and trying to lift your legs horizontally straight without falling off. Trains your stomach muscles and definitely keeps you awake. Hence you will learn more. Give it a try. It works 99.9%, given a 0.1% p-value.
Hm.. I think I pissed someone off 2 days ago.. Till now the person still act damn differently. Its like total personality change. And I have no idea what the heck I did..
Gorden confirmed it today, heard he kanna also when he asked about it.. What I do sia.. Someone tell me -.-
Anyway! Can't wait for the first Mardi Gras jamming practice now that Fawwaz has been giving the green light to continue taking part and Ryan is becoming our lead singer! Yay!! No more random-zhao-siangs Davin being lead singer, though probably still hear me being the support singer XD
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Nice Clouds.. and other random rantings
Yeah.. Saw some nice clouds in the morning today.. Decided to take some pictures of it.. Enjoy!

By the way, I didn't post yesterday.. was too tired.. So I just posted before i posted this...
Oh ya.. I just remembered yesterday when I was practising on my guitar.. one of the female guitarist in the all girls band use the exact same guitar as mine.. total black.. and same model.. lol.. whats the chance sia.. XD
Well, I typed the above while I was in school in the computer lab having computing.. a bit bored.. so yeah..
After computing, we had math extra lesson.. then just when it ended, there's this huge fogging exercise.. We looked out of the door glass window.. Holy shit, the whole corridor is white.. We waited for like 5 minutes or so for the fog to disperse.. but it didn't..
So we had our very own little "biological warfare" exercise. Everyone took a deep breath, then opened the door and ran towards the place they were heading to (canteen, other classes, field, bus stop, etc).. It looked damn hilarious haha.. Too bad I didnt have a video of it.. Well, but I took a few shots of the extent of the fogging while I was running to IT Club room to take out my stored electric guitar and bring home.

No.. this time it isnt my phone camera that's crappy.. IT IS THAT FOGGY! Gosh.
Then on the bus way home with Justin, we stopped outside a secondary school (St Patrick's I think).. we saw many white stuff on the field.. On closer inspection.. they're birds! 6pm and the whole school field is filled with white birds?! Thats interesting..

The pictures are taken while on the bus so not very clear.. but you get the idea
And for dinner.. I ate this "Special Discount" $4 rice with chicken and egg. Wow.. really "special discount".. the chicken has more ginger and garnishes than the chicken itself.. I eat halfway buay tahan.. decided to take a picture of it and post on the blog.

Look! So many garnishes, even after my mum ate some of them already.. zzz
P.S. Today was overall a very happy day. I finished my linked stack coding, Fawwaz is allowed to continue Mardi Gras, Ryan agreed to sing for us, and Chi Hung said he's coming back to Singapore for 1wk from 3~10 May! Yay for everything =D

By the way, I didn't post yesterday.. was too tired.. So I just posted before i posted this...
Oh ya.. I just remembered yesterday when I was practising on my guitar.. one of the female guitarist in the all girls band use the exact same guitar as mine.. total black.. and same model.. lol.. whats the chance sia.. XD
Well, I typed the above while I was in school in the computer lab having computing.. a bit bored.. so yeah..
After computing, we had math extra lesson.. then just when it ended, there's this huge fogging exercise.. We looked out of the door glass window.. Holy shit, the whole corridor is white.. We waited for like 5 minutes or so for the fog to disperse.. but it didn't..
So we had our very own little "biological warfare" exercise. Everyone took a deep breath, then opened the door and ran towards the place they were heading to (canteen, other classes, field, bus stop, etc).. It looked damn hilarious haha.. Too bad I didnt have a video of it.. Well, but I took a few shots of the extent of the fogging while I was running to IT Club room to take out my stored electric guitar and bring home.

No.. this time it isnt my phone camera that's crappy.. IT IS THAT FOGGY! Gosh.
Then on the bus way home with Justin, we stopped outside a secondary school (St Patrick's I think).. we saw many white stuff on the field.. On closer inspection.. they're birds! 6pm and the whole school field is filled with white birds?! Thats interesting..

The pictures are taken while on the bus so not very clear.. but you get the idea
And for dinner.. I ate this "Special Discount" $4 rice with chicken and egg. Wow.. really "special discount".. the chicken has more ginger and garnishes than the chicken itself.. I eat halfway buay tahan.. decided to take a picture of it and post on the blog.

Look! So many garnishes, even after my mum ate some of them already.. zzz
P.S. Today was overall a very happy day. I finished my linked stack coding, Fawwaz is allowed to continue Mardi Gras, Ryan agreed to sing for us, and Chi Hung said he's coming back to Singapore for 1wk from 3~10 May! Yay for everything =D
New Library Book and Photo Taking.
Yup. This is for yesterday.. Was too tired to on my laptop and post yesterday..
TJC has this reading programme where our reading rep (ying xiao) will go to the library and indicate which books he want to borrow for the class.. He picked one book for himself as well.. and all the books are delivered today.
What did he borrow? Have a look. It has changed hands several times since he showed it to the class..

Apparently the girls are having a fun time reading it. They kept squealing.. We, the guys eating our lunch, began to wonder if they are actually turned on by animals =\

Hah. Caught in the act. Stop acting innocent. Lol

Jon and the book =P
Alright.. What do you do before a class photoshoot? STYLE HAIRRRRR... Yeah.. All caught in the act. Hehe..

Mervyn here was kind enough to make a hair styling instructional video guide. Enjoy!
TJC has this reading programme where our reading rep (ying xiao) will go to the library and indicate which books he want to borrow for the class.. He picked one book for himself as well.. and all the books are delivered today.
What did he borrow? Have a look. It has changed hands several times since he showed it to the class..

Apparently the girls are having a fun time reading it. They kept squealing.. We, the guys eating our lunch, began to wonder if they are actually turned on by animals =\

Hah. Caught in the act. Stop acting innocent. Lol

Jon and the book =P
Alright.. What do you do before a class photoshoot? STYLE HAIRRRRR... Yeah.. All caught in the act. Hehe..

Mervyn here was kind enough to make a hair styling instructional video guide. Enjoy!
P.S. he's quite soft actually.. my phone's fault.. haha.
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