Did all the routine stuff liao, now resting, so went to the Staff Lounge to use the computer while my other partner (non-OOC), the Orderly Enlistee slacked in the Duty Room with 2 other enlistees who stayed behind (one has foot infection, cant walk home. other one accompanying. so nice of him)
Password doesn't work. What the heck.
No choice, go down to first floor and use the computers at Student's Lounge.
No lights. What the heck.
I'm like currently using a computer in PITCH DARKNESS. ALONE.
Normally I would freak out. But what the heck, its my only Internet access point -.-"
So here I am, using the computer in the DARK. I can't believe it. I can barely see the silhouette of my hand when I stretch it out (and its only because of the light from the computer screen).
Bah, enough of my current situation...
I noticed something peculiar yesterday. Apparently quite a few females, including JC classmates like Vannessa, around me have dizzy spells. I was thinking it might be because of me (lol jk), until my sister got it too. Then I had to go and fetch her from the MRT station. Ran there and killed my knees (I have knee inflammation and I haven't ran for nearly 2 mths haha), assisted her to the nearest taxi stand and helped her hobble the rest of the way home to bed to rest. Tiring sia, maybe because I slack too much for too long liao >.<
Dragonica Party on 27th.
3pm ~ 7pm
Event #2:
(Ex) Dota clan outing
Dinner at Chomp Chomp.
Initially supposed to be last week, but got rescheduled (till an unknown date... up till now)
Event #3:
Dragonica Movie Outing
27th. 12pm.
Event #4:
Family dinner! My mum just dropped it on me after I agreed to go for the Dragonica (DGN) movie outing. But its in the afternoon so till then it was ok.. Until these 2 Facebook notices. Aaah...
Dang 27th is such a popular date.
1) DGN movie outing
2) family dinner
3) DGN party
4) (ex) dota clan outing
Aaargh.. decisions decisions =(
I could try to manage my time and rush around, but then, some timings just clash.
And damn I wish I have a "Manta Style".
Okays, gtg prowl again. Ciao.
I'm back! After like 10min haha..
I got the new password from the 2 other people who stayed back. Whee, now I can use the computer without being in the pitch dark room alone xD
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