Loading Screen of TFT
Oh, by the way, TFT = "The Frozen Throne". Its the expansion for "Warcraft III". Some idiots just call it "DotA". Sheesh. I mean c'mon, dota is only ONE of the gazillion maps that TFT has. There's erm.. Sheep tag, tower defence maps, random RPG-emulated maps, Pyramid Escape, Rabbits Vs Sheeps, Civilization Wars, etc... Then again, its the most addictive and widely supported game. Bah.

Loading Screen of DotA. Currently version 6.52d
Oh btw, DotA = Defense of the Ancients or “保护老人” for direct Chinese translation. lol
So I suppose I gotta play this popular game first thing I reinstalled FT. And I did. First time since April or May.. Hm.. Seems like there are quite some changes, and some things that will always remain the same.
Seems like things like dota skills dont fade that easily. They just get rusty. I could still last-hit and stuff but with lesser chance, I could still navigate on the map (lol who can't), etc..
And I still get pissed off at those idiots who don't help others in times of trouble and think "Hey, I'm so overpowered I can win the game myself. I don't need my teammates.", and rush into battle to die first before we engage - feeding the enemy easy xp/gold and causing us to lose in the following brawl due to 1 less hero participating in the clash (5v5 becomes 4v5. Do the math)... Well I guess some things will never change with time eh? Things like small little primary school kids swearing and ignorant people who goes around shouting "omfg you f**king noob. cb. knn. lj. kpkb.." blah blah blah and stirring up arguments within the game. Can't just people play in peace and harmony? If you want to prove you're pro, win the game. Stop the name-calling, it spoils the game for everyone. I mean c'mon, there's no need to go into extremes such as scolding the person and cursing and swearing. Just give tips and advice. It's only a game -.-
Bleh enough about dota. I got 2 things I needa get off my chest before I go to bed.
1) Touting and Irritating Hawkers
Sheesh, STOP FREAKING ASKING ME WHAT I WANT TO ORDER. Can't I look at your menu for a single second without you staring at me or pestering me? This got especially irritating today when I went for lunch with my dad and sis at the coffee shop below my house. Just stepping into the coffee shop, 2 indians ask me if I want briyani and prata. While cruising down the shops to have a rough gauge of what to eat, my sis and me got bombarded by EVERY SINGLE stall owner except for the Lor Mee one. I was so freaking pissed off. Some stall owners even asked TWICE or more. C'mon la, if I want to buy, I will order. Stop pestering me, let me think what to eat in peace can? And its not like I look at your signboard and menu means I eating right?! (same as "walking with you doesn't mean I'm eating opposite school with you, I didn't say anything about eating with you. I was just accompanying you to walk that stretch" <-- sounds familiar?) Sometimes I feel so pissed I don't want to eat from them, if only my stomach could handle long term hunger for days on end, till they finally stop irritating me. Or I could just spam Lor Mee everyday lol..
2) Game Addict or Casual Gamer?
Judging from my behaviour (yes I do observe myself and I think a lot, including why I think. Don't ask why and how. It'll kill your brains) for the past few months, I think I've changed quite a fair bit when it comes to games. In the past (say, start of year till April or so), I would spend at least 5 hours playing computer games, not to include going to LAN shops (no, not WAN or PAN lol.. punny eh? XD). Sometimes on weekends, I would just sit in front of the computer the whole day and leave only for meals and toilet breaks. When I decided to uninstall every single game on my laptop, so I could study Computing without being distracted, I thought I couldn't last more than 1 week (or even 1 day) before I would reinstall them all back in. Apparently, during the first week, I was so busy in school till I reached home at late hours and was too tired to play games. After a while, I realised I didn't get the withdrawal symptoms I used to have when I don't play computer games. "That's weird" I thought. But I was too busy to care. So heck. Apparently, right now, I spend more time studying, pursuing my other interests and socializing, both online and offline. I suppose that's a good change =)
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