Grats Obama. Nice owning Clinton. Hah!
Ok, lets get back to Singapore..
Finished my camp yesterday. Slept from 5am to 6am before waking Wen Quan and Justin up and bringing them to CMPB for medical checkup. Met Ziluo at Bedok Central Mac and got some breakfast before we took a bus to Bukit Merah. Don't ask why I brought them. They just don't understand how to get there even after I explained 10 times or something, so I gave up and agreed to bring them to the gate. After bringing them there, I went back to school.. Guess what, we prepared water bombs for 30min or so, it ended in less than 5min -.-
Oh btw, here are 2 pictures I took after the nightwalk.. Didn't manage to snap any pictures during the nightwalk since my phone was used in our nightwalk plan to scare them. Bah. The downsides of being the planners..

Wen Quan with the "Exorcist Mask" which one out of every pair had to wear. He put 2 LED lights behind.. It looks like the mask is crying blood.. Heh.

Wen Bin eating some kind of vegetable given by Si Jie. He's just posing happy.. He hates it haha.
After that we washed up and packed our bags, we had some debrief thingy and the result for our new President and Vice-President are out. Jie Qi and Qi Ting. 2 out of 3 people who were in the hustings got the positions. Haha.. It was super "unpredictable". After that, we had some issues with the principal to settle, CO made too much noise during their nightwalk last night and all PDPs that had nightwalk kanna scolded =\
Anyway, I was contacted by Mr Ong, a chemistry teacher, into helping the Chemistry Department to revamp their E-learning online package.. He says he needed HTML help or smth, so he contacted our ITC teacher-in-charge, and he pointed Mr Ong to me.. In his words, "(Davin ) is the best candidate for the job".. What the.. Ok fine, whatever.
After meeting Mr Ong and discussing stuff, I went home to take a quick rest before going for dinner with WON24 peeps at Seoul Garden at Marina Square. $24 per person from WON24.. The irony huh. We should have called ourselves 10cents, just like 50cent. Many stuff happened. Too much to type here.. We did about lots of stuff - teased Gorden about Joleen (gorden's cute waitress haha), laughed over Jackass episodes, discussed and tried secret cooking recipes, laugh at our halal friend Fawwaz about pig eggs (lol!), shooting 'tadpoles' at each other, etc etc.. Then we went to the arcade. Intended to play Para Para till someone vomits but turned out we Daytona-ed and played Bishi Bashi (sry if spelt wrong haha).
Oh, on the way back, I saw this handicapped uncle driving into the MRT train. Literally driving.

I didn't want to be rude and snap the shot directly. So it ended up being so off-center and unclear haha.. But you get the idea.. The vehicle even has a horn. He was beeping it sia.. Cool shit.
Ah ya, and I just remembered. I forgot to share some pictures during Mardi Gras, our band's personal Mardi Gras photographer. Thanks for the hard work =D
Okay, after saying thanks, now I shall flame him (this isn't just my view, its like all 5 of our views lol. Like Fawwaz said when he was sending us the pictures "Don't flame me, flame the photographer")... Basically, more than half the pictures he took are redundant or repeats or blur.. There's like 30 pictures of Fawwaz in the same position or slightly different nia, another 30 pictures of Ryan or something.. Only ONE drummer picture, around 5 pictures of the bassist/drummer, drummer/bassist and me on the average.. And ALL our jumpshots after the performance were all blur.. Sian!
I think I shall find another time to upload the pictures for viewing. I'll just extract one or two better looking ones for each person during the performance and those "not that blur" pictures after the performance and our (ALL failed) jumpshots =)
P.S. Just don't try cooking pepsi-marinated chicken on the Seoul Garden "barbeque pit". You'll get chicken marinated with shit. We forgot when sugar gets exposed to heat it turns into caramel (which is what we wanted), then into some black lump of smelly shit. Lol..
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