Just woke up at 11.45am. Too tired to blog last night after the chalet and econs tuition at Bugis..
Day 1 - 9th JuneWen Quan organised this chalet like in March. Actually we sort of asked him to because his mum works in govt-related body and its way cheaper to book and in March there should be lots of space left for booking. And he did. Yay.
Left house at 11 and bought 5 garlics for 50cents below my house and took the MRT to Pasir Ris. Supposed to meet Justin at Pasir Ris MRT at 11.45am to buy stuff together before meeting with the rest at 1.30pm at Downtown BK for lunch. He was late, so I went ahead first. Threw a slab of butter and a pack of 500g corn flour into the basket and looked for bread. Saw this "Promotion" pack of bread. 36 slices for 80cents or smth, cant remember. I was like "WOAH!! Cheap shit! Gonna buy it.." then I took it and turned it around to look at it.. WTH why is there mouldish patches on the bread. Took another pack, same. Another one, same... No wonder its "promotion" and so cheap -.-
Justin came and we picked another pack (duh!) and went to get chicken fillets, bought 4 packs. Went to wait for the shuttle bus to Downtown. Took like forever, then we gave up and took the SBS bus to Downtown. Reached there at like 12.45pm. Meh! 45min wait.. So we ate first haha.. People started strolling in at 1pm.. But at 1.45pm, there was only like 9? Then we're all like "Wen Quan.. You sure got 30 people not.." WQ's panicky expression was funny haha.. Left at 3pm to check-in. Wah sian, no wonder the bungalow so cheap. It's so remote and inaccessible la! We walk and walk till sian lol..
When we reached, we all slacked on the soft and turned on the TV. Guess what? About 70%~90% of the channels are not in Chinese/English. There was only like Chn 5, Chn 8 and Kid's Central (which turns Indian in the evening). What the hell?! Heck. Let's go Mahjong and play cards. So we did.. Till more people strolled in. Yu Hui brought a TJ volleyball and we played Captain's ball. Funny shit happens as usual.. Shi Bao ran around like a mad man again, just like old times. Sam Chye and Nigel were still dominating, now even more since they're in JC Basketball teams. Justin, as usual, is always like the unpredictable card in any game lol.. He does weird stuff that people won't ever expect (he bids 5 Hearts and stuff in Bridge and wins) and it somehow usually works out >.<
Took a break and went to one of the 4 bedrooms for air-con and started playing cards and talked about random stuff.. Until Ruijie came with WII!! Whee... We all ran out haha.. Then everyone split up into groups liao..
Checklist of items:
1x WII
2x Mahjong sets
3x Cards (maybe more)
3x PSPs
1x Volleyball
So we played and played and played and played till like 8pm. Then someone complained being hungry and the BBQ started! Max brought out all the meat he bought ($150 worth of meat LOL) and we went to the pit outside the bungalow. Guess what? We forgot to buy the grill and lighter. Nice la! BBQ without grill and lighter LOL.. So we all panicked and went to get them. Max and Sam bought them from the nearby Cafe/Minimart and we started BBQ-ing.. We talked lots of stuff while the meat was being grilled. Lalala.. After a while I got bored and I decided to prepare tomorrow's breakfast. So I went into the kitchen, took out the 5 garlics and started chopping them. People came and went. Random people helped out like 1min each, every time I turned my head there's like a different bunch of people helping to peel the garlic haha. Wen Quan brought food in for me but in the end the helpers ate them all lol.. So after chopping and throwing it into the container with the butter in it, I took it the container to the BBQ pit to mix it. Why? 2 reasons. I'm hungry and I wanna eat, and the heat will help melt the butter making it easier to mix. Duh. Lol.. So for dinner I ate like 2 chicken wings and 1 sausage. Darn.. But heck, when you're having fun you don't feel hungry. Haha.

Squashed garlic to be chopped.

The mixture of garlic and butter in the fridge that doesn't really work. We used it to prevent ants from attacking any possible food only.. Anything that needed to be kept cold we threw it in the freezer.
After dinner we continued to play and play.. Some people went to sleep though they're the minorities. 2 groups of people were playing mahjong in 2 of the rooms after dinner (one set had a missing 4tong. Lol). I was hanging out with the bunch of WII-ers. I watched them play while I talked to the rest of the people waiting for their turns. They played WII sports - Bowling, Tennis, Boxing, Baseball, etc. and other games like Mario Kart, Mario and Sonic Olympics (or smth liddat), Super Smash Bros Brawl, etc. When JS came from Bugis, a few people from each group went to join him at the huge table outside the kitchen to play Poker.. I got a little tired and went to take a nap at like 1am in the same room as Nicholas and Ruijie after bathing.
The WII-ers:

Day 2 - 10th JuneWoke up at like 2am (not much of a sleep eh. Haha) and went to check out the rest. The mahjong people were still mahjonging.. Wen Quan had mad luck. He was getting all 万 like 5 rounds in a row. Justin was sad, he lost quite a lot >.< After a while, around 3am, Max said he was hungry so I'm like "Hm.. what food do we have besides breakfast. Ah heck. I'll just go make breakfast now". So I went to the kitchen and started spreading the garlic butter spread onto the 2 loafs of bread Justin and me bought yesterday. After doing that, I started looking for a toaster. There wasn't one. I asked Wen Quan and he said "Just use the microwave".. Okay.. I did, and the bread was soft instead of crispy. Nice la! Gross like mad. But everyone seemed to love the bread a lot (except for JS), they're like eating and eating, especially Max. He's like a fanatic of my garlic bread. He kept asking for more. I guess grossness becomes secondary after hunger when you're playing =\
JS won like $30+ from Poker. He paid off the chalet and all his meals with it and still had money left.. Faggot. Lol.. They pulled me to play so I asked for $2 chips. They're all like "Davin, you like that might as well not play. $2 you lose in 1 round." then I'm like "No you. Watch me win JS." and I did haha.. 1st round I got King and Ace of spades. I won like $8 in the first round. I cashed out my $2 and played using my profits only. Well that's how I play. Cash in a little as starting money, earn more than the starting money. Cash out. Play till no more money left then leave the table. Never throw in anymore money. At most lose the initial cash in money. I earned like $3.60, not counting the $2 I recovered. Yay. Haha.
Went to the kitchen to remove the fats from the chicken fillets and diced them into small cube-like stuff. None of them looked like a cube actually haha. Made a marinating sauce from 10 caps of light soy sauce, 1 spoonful of salt and 3 dashes of pepper. I had a feeling I added made it too salty so I added equal amounts of water. Marinated the chicken when Justin after they stopped playing Poker. JS went home after winning all the money. Around 4.30am, lots of people went to sleep. Weird huh. Haha.. Feeling tired, I followed and bunked in the same room as Wen Quan and Joaee (the other rooms were either Mahjong-ing or too packed). I had to sleep on the floor because they were already asleep on the queen-sized bed when I entered the room after cleaning up the kitchen and Poker table a bit. I woke up with a neckache. Darn.
Woke up at around 6am, not much of a sleep again eh? Unbelievable. Darren, Aaron, Yvonne and Ruijie still WII-ing Mario Kart. Yvonne hasn't slept since she came and Mahjong-ed and all the stuff?! I went to the kitchen to take out the already-spread bread from the fridge and microwaved them for those awake. Then I sat down with the WII-ers and watched them scream and shout when they bang into stuff while driving. Quite amusing haha.. Oh, Justin and Jun Kiak were sleeping in the vicinity as well haha.

Justin in his "never seen anyone done this before" sleeping pose. YES HE IS ASLEEP.

Jun Kiak hogging the whole sofa.
A few people came and went. Ruijie left with his WII. Yvonne went home at like 10am. She hasn't slept or rested since she came. If I'm not wrong she's the only one that hasn't taken a break/rest. Amazing... The rest of the day was quite similar. This time I was playing Mahjong. First time I ever played Mahjong with real money. But heck. I have the $3.60 I won from Poker to lose haha.. Played 4风and it ended at around 6pm. We all skipped lunch. Ack. Only Haojun, Kevin, Sam Low and Nicholas went to eat at Downtown, the rest of us have not left the bungalow since we stepped in haha.
So I went to the kitchen and took out the marinated chicken from the fridge and started covering them with flour. Yu Hui popped by, thought it was fun and helped out. Oh well.. I took out the wok, poured oil into it and asked her to heat it till there are "currents" in the oil then tell me. She then took out the wok scooper thingy and washed it. Before I could ask her to dry it, she flicked water into the oil-filled wok and the oil went "piak piak piak". She was freaking out lol.. Well at least she learnt a lesson. Then I started throwing in the flour-covered chicken. After a few batches, the flour turned blackish in the oil and Yu Hui, being "healthy conscious", was diligently trying to remove them from the wok to no avail. Haha.. She's so naive.. She thought hawkers and KFC people use new oil every time they deep-fry something instead of what we're doing. Sigh.. When I told her they used one set of oil for the whole day, she sweared she's not going to eat fried food anymore haha.. But I bet she'll forget it after a while hehe.
Munyi and Max came into the kitchen looking for food and spotted some ready popcorn chicken and took some. We then asked them to deliver into the 2 rooms everyone are in (because at that time only 2 games of mahjong were being played, everyone were congregated there). Our smart friend Max brought it into the same room as Munyi and the other room went hungry. Haha.. Anyway, we finished up the rest of the chicken and brought it to the other room. After that I went to clean up the kitchen, its as if a war broke out in the kitchen haha. Yu Hui went to eat chicken in Munyi's room (all the girls were in that room. No idea why lol).
When I came back, ALL the chicken were gone. Thanks ar.. I'm hungry but I help you guys make popcorn chicken then you guys never save any for me when I went to clean up the kitchen. So I went hungry and opened a pack of chips (the very last one). I ate like only 3 pieces and it was finished by the rest of the people. NICE LA! Nothing left to eat already. Zzz
Luckily Wen Quan's mum made pineapple rice and brought it to the chalet for us. Whee! His dad brought 1 carton of Coke and 1 carton of 100Plus. Nice la! We ate that for dinner and we still haven't left the chalet since we stepped in. Aaaaah.. Many of us were dying already lol.. But those Mahjong-ing still are not. Oh well.. Justin suggested OVERNIGHT LAN and we were all contemplating over it. Nicholas was advocating to stay because he was broke already, Kevin wanted to lan so badly because his graphics card is spoilt at home and its so rare to have so many DHS people going lan together. Joaee was having mixed feelings, should we stay to bond or go lan together and have fun. The mahjong people wanted to stay to mahjong some more lol. Sam Chye wanted to get back the money he lost so badly. He lost like $20. Yikes. After arguing for a while and watching random Vasantham Central stuff (lol), I went to bath while the rest still continued to watch.
When I came out of the toilet, Sam Chye, Nigel and Joaee were like laying on the bed and talking. So I joined them. Wen Quan came in shortly after. Then Nigel is like "Everyone here is sworn to secrecy" and then he and the rest started interrogating Wen Quan. After him, it was my turn. Ack. Well there was nothing much to say actually haha.. Currently I have no girlfriend, no crushes. Nothing. So they finished interrogating quite fast haha.. Then suddenly everyone came in, one by one and soon everyone was in the room. Yikes. Then Sam called JS to come from Bugis. Sam lured JS with like "... there's vodka, ... , and a drunk Nicole" LOL! We all laughed like mad after he hung up. Nicole was laughing as well. Oh, and she's like the only girl left in the chalet now, the rest all went home.
JS really came hahaha.. Then somehow, I don't know how. Someone brought in the bottle of vodka (what? I thought we finished the half bottle Joaee brought yesterday during mahjong and stuff) and the whatever is left of the 2 cartons of drinks Wen Quan's dad brought. Apparently, JS brought a bottle himself when he came yesterday. Max later came in with a bottle of gin he bought. Hm. Oh well anyway, we talked lots of nonsense and drank. A few people tried to sleep though, to no avail. So Justin and a few others went out to the living room to sleep. After a while, a few people got drunk lol.. JS, Max and Jun Kiak and Nicole. First time I saw people drunk.. Damn amusing haha. It's like free show.. It seems that when you're drunk your characteristics and attitude amplify by 9999x and you have little or no restrain over what you're doing. Hm..
JS: The horny drunkard
We had to like separate him away from Nicole half the time before Nicole locked herself into a room and slept. Once he was drunk, all kinds of vocabulary started coming out like nobody's business sia.. But he was so funny we kept laughing anyway haha.
Max: The talkative drunkard
Not that JS wasn't talkative, but Max was really extreme. He took off his shirt and followed people around to talk and sometimes whacking people when they don't respond. He was like telling stories about himself and his other past girlfriends and other random stuff.
Jun Kiak: The laughing drunkard
He kept laughing and laughing, we didn't noticed he was drunk. We all thought he was laughing at JS just like us. But when he stood up, it was bloody obvious. His legs were so weak he fell down again, and he laughed after he fell down. Gosh.. After vomiting, we put him into bed and he was mumbling random stuff like "Stop.. Stop trying to stop me.. Gahh.. Ahh.. Shut... Hmph.." well, it was the first time he got drunk. Poor thing.
Nicole: The smart drunkard
Knowing that she's was getting drunk and JS is drunk. She quickly lock herself into a room before JS could do anything. Nothing to say. *Salute*
With JK and Nicole in bed, JS and Max provided more entertainment to the rest of us. While trying to pull JS away from Nicole's room door, Nigel passed JS a fire extinguisher and he's like "Eh eh, what's this?" and he sprayed it IN MY FACE. Everyone siamed just in time but everyone was coughing like mad. It's the powdery type of fire extinguisher.. I nearly choked and some powder went into my eyes and mouth. We quickly evacuated the area and I went to get rid of the powder.. Tasted like shit.. But heck, that was freaking hilarious haha..
Part of JS's dance.. I started recording with my phone after he finished 80% of it. Had too much fun watching till I forgot to record haha.
Day 3 - 10th June
After the remaining 2 drunkards went to bed, we decided to finally get out of the chalet and go downtown at around 2am. A bunch of 9 of us went out, including a groggy and nearly drunk Sam Chye. We went to eat Mac since we were all hungry and stuff.. After that we decided to check out the Arcade and maybe Daytona a bit or something, and Joaee suggested we could catch midnight (though 2am ain't really midnight haha) movies. So we went to E!Hub. It was so freaking empty and a bit dark.. Reminded us of Resident Evil and zombies and stuff.. So some of us, mainly just me because I was a bit high from the Vodka and Gin haha, acted out scenes from Resident Evil while climbing up escalators to the 4th floor.
Well, the arcade and cinemas were closed. Lol. What were we expecting.. It IS 2am+ in the morning. Nigel came from the chalet later to get some food because he was hungry. Then the 10 of us went back to the chalet. We were all so freaking tired we decided to go sleep. When we reached, we checked out all the rooms. Room 4 taken by Nicole. Room 3 taken by JS and Max. Room 2 taken by Jun Kiak and Aaron (who was taking care of Jun Kiak while we went out). That leaves only an empty Room 1 to fit 10 people. Holy crap. So we quickly choinged and kope the bed. At first it was only Hao Jun and me, then Kevin and Wen Quan came in. So we split the queen-sized bed into 4. 2 people wrapped under 1 blanket. Then Joaee came and we let him sleep on our legs. Then Nicholas, Shi Bao, Justin, Nigel and Yiwei came in. Holy shit. We were all screaming NOOOOO before Nich, SB and Nigel started tau-poking us while we were laying on the bed. After that, we rotated and slept with our legs dangling. Nigel and Justin went out to sleep on the sofa, Yiwei stood behind us and slept (just like what he does in St John's last time, standing sleeper. Imba as hell) and Shi Bao slept in the cupboard. WTH! Lol.. After all the commotion, we slept at around 4.40am.
Wen Quan woke Joaee and me up at 10am because we had to check out soon. Apparently everyone else woke up already. We packed up and then left the chalet. We found random stuff while packing up haha.. Nick then decided to burn a roll of toilet paper that was laying around with the lighter. We recorded it haha. It ended with the Aloha staff coming and him panicking and snuffing out the fire.
It's quite soft, so turn on the volume to hear him (if you want to).
After checking out, we went Downtown to have lunch. Then we went Arcade to play for a while before we split up. 11 of us took Bus 12 while the rest went home on their own. We saw Nicole walking home on the bus. She actually waved at us. Incredible. I wouldn't have been able to see a bunch of friends on the bus that was speeding past, especially if I was half looking down and feeling tired, if I were her.
Out of the 11 of us, JS, Sam Low and Nicholas went home. The 8 of us? We went to MOTHERLAN! Yes, not mother land. haha.. It's one of the term we coined for Zion during our DHS days. We took cab there almost everyday after school. At least 3 out of 5 school days ended with a Zion trip. I even lost my homework file there before (but I found it at parkway BK, wth?).
After playing till like 5.30pm, we stopped and went for dinner. Sam Chye went back to school to meet his gf and Justin went home for dinner (he just lives across Zion >.<). The 6 of us then went to Parklane Fried Wanton Noodles. Famous meh? It can't even beat the Fei Fei Wanton Noodles in the hawker center opposite TJ.
After eating, we all split up and went home at around 6pm. I had to rush to econs. I was contemplating taking 12 or 197 directly to Bugis or taking a bus then switch to MRT. Then I realised it was nearing peak hours, which means 12 and 197 will jam. So I decided take 196 and switch to MRT at Suntec. Saw Jane at the bus stop as 196 was leaving.. Hm. I wonder how she's going to reach there in time either.
Reached econs tuition place at 7.30pm. Jane's already there?! What the hell!? She took cab? Oh well. I was half awake and half sane lol.. Darryl noticed my handwriting was deteriorating as time past. Hm.. Oh well. At least I was still following the lesson haha.
Went to eat again at KFC after econs tuition, so freaking hungry considering what I have eaten for the past few days. Darryl was being nice and decided to accompany me. While eating, we talked about school and a bit about studies.. Our class really not bonded sia.. Sad. Taking his words "Even the class jacket is tearing us apart". Sigh.. I think our class too rojak liao lol.. There's like a few people in class I wouldn't start a convo with for no reason, unlike in DHS where I could just walk up and say "hi" and the person will say "hi" and start a random convo. Now in TJC I could probably only do that to Gorden, Winston, Hakeym, Darryl, Ryan, Mervyn, Ying Xiao,Junyi, Elakeyaa, Vannessa and maybe Mianjun. Bah..
Woah this post took 2hours+.. I better start studying again sia.. My progress like shit.
GP: Haven't started (not like I could start anyway, nothing to study)
Physics: Stopped at EM, EMI, Quantum, Lasers
Computing: Haven't started (crap, LOADS of things to read)
Maths: Stopped at Statistics
Econs: Haven't started but I suppose the tuition should suffice if I have no time to start
But first, lemme check all my mail and stuff haha.