Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Half way there

2 days more. Computing tmr and then Physics on Thurs.

Econs - Died. Ever seen a half page essay? I wrote two of those. Enough said.
GP - Lol. Not bad, I actually understood the compre!! =D
Maths - Finished in 2hrs. Spent the rest of the time strolling to the toilet, washing up, looking at the invigilator sniff from his bad cold, etc. Realised I made many careless mistakes after discussion after exam. Bleh. Davin you overconfident idiot.

There's a theory that goes..
Whatever you experience (see/hear/touch/smell/taste), you will always remember for life. These memories will be stored in your brain somewhere, but randomly and disorganizedly (is there such a word? lol). When it comes to exams, what we are doing is actually throwing in more copies of the same data into our brain hoping that during exams there is more chance of finding this memory so that we can answer our question. If we are able to organize our thoughts/memories, ONE input into our brain is sufficient for us to remember anything. All we need is to have the correct mechanism/technique to retrieve that data out when we need it. Those who possess such techniques are said to have "photogenic memory". Apparently, confidence in oneself and the state of awareness (i.e. you're not falling asleep) will boost the chance of finding the memory needed.

Yeah.. oh btw, the theory is mine. LOL.. No, not some overpowered genius or research result. It's my personal theory. It might be right or wrong, I don't care. It's one of those things I firmly believe in and follow in. Take it or leave it. I'm just offering a new point of view =)

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