Went to Sitex at Expo today with my dad. After roaming around for a 2.5" HDD 250GB external hard drive and comparing prices etc, we decided to buy the Toshiba brand one. The close competitors were (excluding random brands selling way above $100):
- Maxtor: $79, no freebies (if i didnt remember wrongly cos we didn't really consider this partly due to poor service etc lol)
- WD: $99, free pouch, 3-yr warranty
- Toshiba: $109, free pouch, 3-yr warranty
My dad said Toshiba more reliable and he could try to bargain lol.. The Toshiba pouch was also better. The WD pouch can't even fit the hard drive properly and totally no space for the cable. Not to mention the WD hard drive has horrible design, if it had any lol.. Oh well, anyway, here's a pic of the one I bought.

After coming home, I realised over the 2 years, I was bombarded by random computer-related requests after people knew I studied H2 Computing in JC. Well, just to clarify stuff and provide info for people deciding whether to take it as a subject in JC1... I've come up with a list of "The Top 5 Myths about H2 Computing". Enjoy!
The Top 5 Myths about H2 Computing
Myth #5:
FAQ: "Hey hey, can you tell me about the new ___ and how it works?"
Truth: New stuff are NOT taught. We are taught old stuff. Those years ago. Want to learn up-to-date stuff? Wait till Uni.
Myth #4:
FAQ: "Can teach me how to fix my computer?" or "Can tell me how to upgrade my RAM?"
Truth: Assembling your own PC is NOT taught. Not to mention other hardware stuff, like how RAMs works (in detail), which type of processor is good for what, etc.
Myth #3:
FAQ: "Are you going to make a program/game?"
Truth: Well, all you ever gonna learn if you take H2 Computing is how to make SIMPLISTIC programs that run in MS DOS. Everything else you have to learn yourself. You won't learn how to make any user interface programs.
Myth #2:
FAQ: "Do you know Flash, Dreamweaver, CSS, Video editing, Graphic design, etc etc?"
Truth: Although I know some, they are not taught in school but self-learnt. After taking the subject, you WILL NOT know every single thing related to computers and the Internet, contrary to popular belief.
Myth #1:
FAQ: "OMG!! Teach me how to hackzors!! I want to hack ___, blah blah blah"
Truth: Hacking is NOT taught. If you think you can take H2 Computing and turn into a hacking genius overnight (or over 2yrs), you can forget it.
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