YAY Children's Day is here! But first, let me put in what happened the past 2 days.. Was too lazy heh.
Monday - 29/9
I went to watch a movie with Justin, Wen Quan, Wendy, Bing Xu, Sin Chin and Wei Cheng.. Apparently BX won 2 free tickets to "Black Swindler" so we just went and split it, so everyone get $1 off lol..
The plot was quite good.. too bad they didn't explain a lot of things. And what's with the flooding of Japanese names without helping viewers match the names to their faces?! At the very end of the movie, we're all like "what? who is who?".. I still can't figure out without the name of the main character. Is it "Kurosaki" or "Kurosagi"? God damn it. But seriously, the starting few minutes was damn good, for me at least. The concept of the movie was nice, but the development was shit -.-"
Tuesday - 30/9
Yesterday, I went dinner at Jack's Place (which Jack? I'm not sure myself either) with my family.
On the way, I saw this nice gradient on the blue taxi. See for yourself:

The way the bottom part of the Comfort Taxi gets brighten up by the Mercedes Taxi behind is nice... Maybe my phone camera sucks (its only 2 Mega-pixels), but it was really nice =)
Mmm... Dinner. I ate something from everyone's plate lol.. Everyone can't finish, except my dad. So in all, I ate like 2+ portions =\
After that, I ordered a Chocolate Mousse, I thought it'll be nice.. Bleh, its not even soft to bite. I guess I'll just refrain from eating any kind of cake except from Secret Recipe XD

Alright! Done. Now let's get back to today's theme - Children's Day!
Oh yes, I can still remember the first year in Secondary school where everyone misses Children's Day celebration (and of course the half day) very very sorely.
"You all are youth now, no more Children's Day," said a teacher (I can't remember who lol). And you see our whole class whining and "sian-ing" lol.. But still, year after year, throughout my 4 years in DHS, our teachers always bought us sweets and gifts on Children's Day. I guess we're still kids in their eyes, but not in the eyes of the school system huh. In J1, it seriously ended. End of childhood so to speak. No one even mentioned about Children's Day. Goodness. But for me, Children's Day still remained happy for me haha.. Children's Day always reminds me of something.. my birthday is coming soon. Lol..
"You all are youth now, no more Children's Day," said a teacher (I can't remember who lol). And you see our whole class whining and "sian-ing" lol.. But still, year after year, throughout my 4 years in DHS, our teachers always bought us sweets and gifts on Children's Day. I guess we're still kids in their eyes, but not in the eyes of the school system huh. In J1, it seriously ended. End of childhood so to speak. No one even mentioned about Children's Day. Goodness. But for me, Children's Day still remained happy for me haha.. Children's Day always reminds me of something.. my birthday is coming soon. Lol..
No cakes please (i've been eating enough of cakes recently lol), well unless the wishes actually come true.. If so, then I wish my sis will be more sensible, my dad will be more reasonable and responsible, and my mum be more happy.. Then again.. Hey! I'm still single. I don't mind a gf as a bday gift haha.. jk jk
If possible, I hope on my birthday, instead of presents and gifts or whatever, everyone comes up to me and tell me 1 strength that I have, 1 weakness that I have and how i can overcome my weakness.
I'm not a person good with words and expressing myself. So erm.. On my birthday, confess anything to me, whether you think I've been a jerk or you hate me or what you like about me or whatever, just be frank. I won't take it personally.
Thanks. If ya read this, please pass it around.. No cakes, unless the wishes actually comes true. Haha =P
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