What I spent in 1 dinner...
$2.80 + $1.50
Chippy's Fried Mars Bars with Chocolate Ice-cream
($1.50 for upsize. 8 pieces instead of 4.)
Subway Terriyaki Sub Meal (2 Double-Chocolate Cookies)
MOS Fish Burger
Total: $16.10
MEH! Lol though the Fried Mars Bars is delicious (DAMN NICE! Must try), I got sick of chocolate on my 2nd double-choc cookie and brought it home as tmr's breakfast XD
Man.. I must have gained 10kg or smth.. Then again.. that kind of stuff don't happen to me =P
Economic Society of Singapore (ESS)
Annual A-Level Student Seminar 2008
@ Singapore Polytechnic Convention Centre
Price: $10
And this is what we got:

not to mention they didn't even ask for it throughout the whole thing -.-"
Ah heck.. The talk was quite interesting la.. The 2nd talk was funny. At the start the presenter gave us an "introduction" ppt..
Since he works in MAS, while reading it out (its obviously too small for us to see), he intentionally replaced all the crude words... the last few parts are the funniest.. keep replacing "f**k" by "mess" and say it out loud to get the effect =P
"They.. messed up."
"We.. messed up."
"You... messed up."
The food they gave... One word. Shit. What's with the tasteless (seriously NO TASTE, not even potato taste, its like eating paper) hash browns and SOGGY bread, not to mention... THERE IS NO SPOON, no not the matrix one.. Spoons ran out super fast I had to eat rice with a fork >.<
Ah yes, another bad thing about the talk is the super long and boring Indian speaker who is supposed to introduce for the following 2 speeches.. Right at the start he said "I am not the main speaker, I'm just here to give a brief introduction", and he dragged on and on for a good 30min~1hr.. Basket.. All of us got freaking bored -.-"
This is what happens when I get bored...

You probably can't see.. but its a whole load of doodling..

An attempt to draw the Indian "not-main" speaker...
Gave up when I started on the mouth.. Made him look like a vampire and his ears were somehow pointy.. so heck. Lets transform him into a elfish vampire. RAWR!
And oh.. there's a case of a ninja photographer...
Can you spot him in the following pictures?

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