So off I go to Peninsula to get new strings and picks. On the way I checked my wallet. OH SHIT. Only $20! I spent nearly $20 on the previous set of strings, confirm can't afford another pack of strings let alone get picks.. So I ran home and ransacked my house. Oh no.. can't find money. Called my parents, both at Expo attending the praying thingy with my sis.. All uncontactable. Gah. Sian.. Sat down and thinked for like 5min.. then decided to borrow from neighbour.. So I did. I borrowed $50 (just in case) then SMS-ed my mum to ask her return our neighbour and that I'll return the change and receipt to her tonight. And off I go... whee... (finally, after nearly 30min of panic -.-)
On the bus, Fawwaz SMS me what kind of strings I should get. He said cost $7/pack or so.. I'm like "WTH? I got scammed last month? Stupid guitar shop guy. He was telling me 'this one is best selling. very reliable one'. Wtf la! It costed me nearly $20 and it snapped in less than a month" then Fawwaz kept saying "lol","rofl","this is amusing", etc. Then he asked me buy 2 packs of strings and 10 new picks in case things screw up again. Thanks a lot ar.
When I reached Peninsula, I asked for the pack and asked for the price. $6. Woah. Nice. Ok, I shall follow Fawwaz's advice. I bought 2 packs of strings(since its cheap, MUCH CHEAPER than the stupid rip-off packs of strings I bought a month ago) and 3 new picks (3 for $2). Whee... And I went home to fix my guitar.
The thought of restringing my guitar is bad enough.. Its not the kind of electric where you just loosen the old strings, remove, pull new string in, tighten.. Mine has like 99999 steps..
1) Loosen all old strings
2) Use tremolo arm to lift the back of the guitar
3) Meanwhile, quickly unscrew knobs using some wierd mechanism thingy provided with the guitar when I bought it (like years ago.. stupid teacher scam me to buy then he ran off elsewhere to teach.. Faggot)
4) Yank out the old string from the knob thingy
5) Push new string all the way in.. fix it well..
6) Use the tremolo arm to life the back of the guitar again
7) Meanwhile, quickly screw in the knobs firmly using wierd mechanism again
8) Tighten strings
It may sound simple, but actually its quite daunting.. especially the tremelo and unscrewing parts. Takes a toll on your arms, I tell you...
After removing the old strings.. I realised. Holy crap, my guitar is so rusty I can't see any metal left. Okay that was exaggeration but you get what I meant. So I decided to do something about it. Surfed the net, blah blah blah.. you need this chemical from XXX shop, blah blah blah... Retarded, no way I'm going out to get some stupid chemical again. So I decided to ask Fawwaz. He told me use my string polisher on my steel wool then wipe. So I took out my string polisher.. WTH even the string polisher is rusty, it was totally brown. So I gave up. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I opened up my MSN Messager window and searched through all my contacts for people who use electric guitars. Then I spotted Bryan. Wooo! He told me use coke and cloth. And... IT WORKS!! Holy crap. Nice la... (another reason why I shouldn't drink coke -.-)
And so after removing the rust, I attempted to polish the guitar body a bit (well I can't really get it polished, it always ends up with fingerprints/palm prints when I play the guitar anyway).. And time check: 6pm+.. Siao siao.. I spent 5hrs+ on this whole crusade just to be able to start practising.. Perfect huh.
Oh, by the way, did I tell you, this is the first time I actually re-stringed my guitar? Muahahaha.. Sense of achievement. Last time I always wait till Friday then bring to my classical guitar lesson and ask my teacher help me string over the weekend or something.. Guess I picked up something eh? =D

Extra Life? Ya right...

$6 per pack. Nice.

Looks shiny eh? Guess not. Haha..
P.S. Thanks to Fawwaz and Bryan, my guitar is saved. Yay.
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