Finally.. 1 week is ending.. I don't sound like I'm enjoying the holidays do I? Actually counting down the days.. Sheesh. Let me give you a brief summary of what I've done so far:
1) Finished holiday homework in 1~2days
2) Started revising Physics. Finished half the TYS. Result? Burned out brain.
3) Went for GP remedial crap.. I think its a waste of time.. Kanna drill so much yet I don't see any improvement in my GP results.. zzz
4) Started running regularly again.. Everyday mum wakes me up at 7.30am before she leaves for work, I go run, buy breakfast downstairs, come up, eat and study same time..
5) Coordinate the IT Club Nightwalk and class CIP with some NUS dude called Weijian
6) Watched Eyeshield21 anime up to episode 40+ (or was it 50+? lost track.. bah) cos I was too bored
7) Played random offline games like Super Smash Bros (SSB) on N64 emulator (Project64). Really nice game which I played in Pri school days.. Used to spend a whole day playing with my classmates. Everytime there's a birthday party.. ends up being a SSB party. Hah.
And during the coming days.. Gah.
Sunday: Lugging my electric guitar, amplifier and other accessories to Ebenex to sell (hope can fetch a decent price =D)
Monday, Tuesday: IT Club camp
Wednesday: Guitar lesson (got shifted to Wednesday because the school isn't open coming Friday), quite insignificant la actually.. lol
Thursday: Dinner with WON24 peeps at Seoul Garden =D
Friday: Oh finally a free day! For now at least..
Sian... Oh by the way, here's my great plan for revision:
Week 1: Finish Physics TYS (well obviously I'm way behind schedule, too much SSB and Eyeshield21 I guess..)
Week 2: Finish all Maths Papers put online on the TJC Matrix portal (I doubt I can do it anyway, looking at my busyness coming week)
Week 3: Finish the 2 Computing papers put online by Mr Kao, after studying all the topics (erm, I switched off in Computing lessons since er... inheritance? oh crap.)
Week 4: Consolidate Economics concepts and review methods on how to write GP stuff, essays, AQ, etc.. Well since these 2 subjects can be practiced through sheer talking, I intend to do so.. Or I seriously will die from all the hardcore spammage from Week1~3 =\
Sounds torturous? I don't even have the faintest idea how and why the heck I came up with something like this. Hope it actually pays out well. If not I just sacrificed my whole holiday for shit. Oh ya, I'll be too busy to blog for quite some time I suppose.. Unless I could manage to pull myself out of the paper heap.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Econs Tuition Dinner!
Yay. Mrs Raj was so nice to treat us to Seoul Garden this evening. Supposedly meet at 5pm, but everyone except Yun Hui and me were late >.<
First time eating Seoul Garden, heard its some free flow buffet steamboat thingy.. When I sat down, the first thought was "Eh, where's the boat?", the second thought was "It's more like steampot -.-"
Oh well, off to get food. Oh noes! There's no rice?! Ahh.... I'm going to go hungry (there's only spaghetti and I don't eat pasta, not to mention those who ate said it sucks) =(
Bah, no choice, eat other stuff.. Ooh, what's that? 7 different kinds of marinated chicken to cook? Holy crap. Being curious and suspicious, I tried all. Garlic chicken, curry chicken, teriyaki chicken, chicken bourgeoise, char siew chicken, etc etc. To my surprise, it was NICE! Woah.. first time I tasted such nice marinated food. Usually those marinated food I ate taste as if they're not marinated -.-
Ah anyway, we ate till we cut into our Econs tuition time. Daryl (Ang) still wanted more ice-cream, because Jane said the Peach flavour was nice. So we watched him eat. Haha.. Took 1 gathering picture (of 9 people) and many pictures of some horrible concoction made by mixing all the leftovers, all 3 different soup bases and daryl's chocolate mint ice-cream (because he said it tastes horrible, so he threw it in. Haha).. Ended up some wierd smell came out when Valerie was stirring it... And I think the smell got stuck onto our shirt, Junyi started complaining when we were having class halfway and had to open the door. Haha.
Felt so tired throughout the whole dinner and after the dinner during lesson, in fact I've been feeling so tired even before I left my house.. Sheesh. What's wrong with me? I managed to force myself to complete all my holiday homework (ok, not much, only 10hours worth of programming and highlighting 10 essays' introductions) within 1~2days and now I can't bring myself to start studying -.-"
First time eating Seoul Garden, heard its some free flow buffet steamboat thingy.. When I sat down, the first thought was "Eh, where's the boat?", the second thought was "It's more like steampot -.-"
Oh well, off to get food. Oh noes! There's no rice?! Ahh.... I'm going to go hungry (there's only spaghetti and I don't eat pasta, not to mention those who ate said it sucks) =(
Bah, no choice, eat other stuff.. Ooh, what's that? 7 different kinds of marinated chicken to cook? Holy crap. Being curious and suspicious, I tried all. Garlic chicken, curry chicken, teriyaki chicken, chicken bourgeoise, char siew chicken, etc etc. To my surprise, it was NICE! Woah.. first time I tasted such nice marinated food. Usually those marinated food I ate taste as if they're not marinated -.-
Ah anyway, we ate till we cut into our Econs tuition time. Daryl (Ang) still wanted more ice-cream, because Jane said the Peach flavour was nice. So we watched him eat. Haha.. Took 1 gathering picture (of 9 people) and many pictures of some horrible concoction made by mixing all the leftovers, all 3 different soup bases and daryl's chocolate mint ice-cream (because he said it tastes horrible, so he threw it in. Haha).. Ended up some wierd smell came out when Valerie was stirring it... And I think the smell got stuck onto our shirt, Junyi started complaining when we were having class halfway and had to open the door. Haha.
Felt so tired throughout the whole dinner and after the dinner during lesson, in fact I've been feeling so tired even before I left my house.. Sheesh. What's wrong with me? I managed to force myself to complete all my holiday homework (ok, not much, only 10hours worth of programming and highlighting 10 essays' introductions) within 1~2days and now I can't bring myself to start studying -.-"
Monday, May 26, 2008
1st Weekday of the Holiday!
Went back to school to meet Justin and Wen Quan to discuss our IT Club nightwalk on 2nd june night. Before that I detoured to my grandma house opposite the "Kaki Bukit Hawker Centre" (er i seriously still don't know what's her address/area called.. haha). And I met Winston at the 38 bus stop to school! He said he needed to go for Photography Club meeting... and then, slack for the rest of the day.. Lol.. But what else to expect sia.. It IS the holidays after all =)
But according to Winston, there was an article in the newspaper that had this title:
"Holiday? What Holiday?"
Yeah, quite sad huh. Even primary school kiddies have compulsory extra lessons. I wonder how Singaporean kids even have any form of childhood. We both agreed on the bus that Singapore is a good place to live in, IF you're filthy rich and don't have to work here. It's a peaceful place where you won't be mobbed/kidnapped/whacked by just any layman on the street, and that there's no natural disasters (for now, thats what Winston says.. I find it hard to agree >.<), but the amount of stress from school and work is WOAH.. more than enough to turn anyone off... Oh well..
Repair works going on at the main gate, gotta walk from the side gate.. Winston got stopped by the security guard (the black and fat one, if you're not sure which) for wearing slippers. Winston told him he injured his feet and he went Sinseh.. So no MC.. Then he ask for letter.. eh? Okay nvm.. no choice, he has a meeting, have to somehow get in. Hah! Lucky Winston's friend walked in behind.. he hurried and got Winston a pair of white shoes to slip in.. So Winston no choice, slip into the shoes to get in lor..
But guess what? The security guard said "Boy, you don't play with me. You say your leg injured, have to wear slippers, then now you wearing shoes. You don't come and play with me next time ar, just wear shoes." When Winston said "But you want me wear shoe what, if not you don't let me in. So pain I also wear lor.." Then the security guard continued "No no no, you don't come and play with me."
I'm like "WTH"? He injured, no choice wear slippers. You don't let him in. You say only shoes then can go in. So he asked friend to take shoes for him to wear, so that he can wear it (bearing the pain) and go for his meeting, then you say he's fooling around with you? What kind of shit is that? You saying that any injured student will be barred from school or you expect Sinseh to give MC? And you think everyone so rich ar? Every single injury also see doctor get MC. It's not like you see doctor for EVERYTHING right? Look at this la, even if I sprained my leg while running or playing basketball, I'll just try and recover on my own. I have never seen a doctor for leg sprains or injury before (except once when I fell onto the escalator and needed stitches). That means I can't go school anymore? That's lame like shit.
When I walked away, to meet Justin and Wen Quan, after the thing was settled and Winston went for his meeting, I was sighing and shaking my head.. What's the school coming to.. Sigh.. Then suddenly I hear shouting "Boy! Hey you boy!", I was like.. "Wth, you still want to quarrel with Winston? @#%*@369*@#" so I turned around and looked. But instead he beckoned me. Curious, I walked towards him. Then he told me "If you not happy, you can find Mr Tong." What was that? Lol.. No wonder people call TJC - Tong's JC.. Either the security guard is just hiding behind Tong or Tong's logic is seriously screwed. Either way, the school is getting worse.
Met with Justin and Wen Quan at the basketball court. Their class wanted to play bball after their math remedial.. Guess what? We ended up playing all the way till lunch. Nothing was discussed.. Sia la! Lol... But quite sad, I don't know why, everyone so violent today. Kun Sheng was ramming around as usual, but only more fiercely (maybe he got stressed from the math remedial), and ended up getting whacked by the ball (and hands) several times.. The result? He seemed more pissed >.< And Kelvin got really pissed. He threw the ball and shouted "Bang what bang? **** you la!" or smth like that, and then he never played for the rest of the time.. Oh ya, and 2 random badminton guys challenged Wei Cheng and us.. Wei Cheng was like "nvm one, we thrash them", then I'm like "erm.. badminton.. they jump vertically.. look at my classmate Zachary, standing broad jump 3m average..) But somehow we miraculously won them 7-4 =\
Oh well, anyway after lunch opposite the hawker centre, the 3 of us went to Bedok Central KFC to discuss. We finally planned it out. Woo hoo.. then we stoned at KFC till like 3pm+, I finally got too bored and said "Lets go somewhere else, erm.. watch movie at Princess?" Today's Monday, movies at Princess only $5 =D
And we did, we watched Indiana Jones, the only movie screening when we reached there.. The other 2 movies' next screenings are like at 7pm... The movie was not bad la, had a few funny moments.. But got a few parts quite lame. And Wen Quan can't stop complaining about Indiana Jones' soundtrack. It was like repeated over and over again in the movie, at every possible moment when they needed a background music (like for example, when the Indiana Jones is running away) lol.. Maybe they had no other sound track =P
Overall, not bad la, we paid only $5, what's there to complain. Even a lame show like "Balls of Fury" seems worth it to watch in Princess haha. $5~$6.50 for humour relief instead of spending $6.50~$9.50 in a regular cinema. Hehe ^^
But according to Winston, there was an article in the newspaper that had this title:
"Holiday? What Holiday?"
Yeah, quite sad huh. Even primary school kiddies have compulsory extra lessons. I wonder how Singaporean kids even have any form of childhood. We both agreed on the bus that Singapore is a good place to live in, IF you're filthy rich and don't have to work here. It's a peaceful place where you won't be mobbed/kidnapped/whacked by just any layman on the street, and that there's no natural disasters (for now, thats what Winston says.. I find it hard to agree >.<), but the amount of stress from school and work is WOAH.. more than enough to turn anyone off... Oh well..
Repair works going on at the main gate, gotta walk from the side gate.. Winston got stopped by the security guard (the black and fat one, if you're not sure which) for wearing slippers. Winston told him he injured his feet and he went Sinseh.. So no MC.. Then he ask for letter.. eh? Okay nvm.. no choice, he has a meeting, have to somehow get in. Hah! Lucky Winston's friend walked in behind.. he hurried and got Winston a pair of white shoes to slip in.. So Winston no choice, slip into the shoes to get in lor..
But guess what? The security guard said "Boy, you don't play with me. You say your leg injured, have to wear slippers, then now you wearing shoes. You don't come and play with me next time ar, just wear shoes." When Winston said "But you want me wear shoe what, if not you don't let me in. So pain I also wear lor.." Then the security guard continued "No no no, you don't come and play with me."
I'm like "WTH"? He injured, no choice wear slippers. You don't let him in. You say only shoes then can go in. So he asked friend to take shoes for him to wear, so that he can wear it (bearing the pain) and go for his meeting, then you say he's fooling around with you? What kind of shit is that? You saying that any injured student will be barred from school or you expect Sinseh to give MC? And you think everyone so rich ar? Every single injury also see doctor get MC. It's not like you see doctor for EVERYTHING right? Look at this la, even if I sprained my leg while running or playing basketball, I'll just try and recover on my own. I have never seen a doctor for leg sprains or injury before (except once when I fell onto the escalator and needed stitches). That means I can't go school anymore? That's lame like shit.
When I walked away, to meet Justin and Wen Quan, after the thing was settled and Winston went for his meeting, I was sighing and shaking my head.. What's the school coming to.. Sigh.. Then suddenly I hear shouting "Boy! Hey you boy!", I was like.. "Wth, you still want to quarrel with Winston? @#%*@369*@#" so I turned around and looked. But instead he beckoned me. Curious, I walked towards him. Then he told me "If you not happy, you can find Mr Tong." What was that? Lol.. No wonder people call TJC - Tong's JC.. Either the security guard is just hiding behind Tong or Tong's logic is seriously screwed. Either way, the school is getting worse.
Met with Justin and Wen Quan at the basketball court. Their class wanted to play bball after their math remedial.. Guess what? We ended up playing all the way till lunch. Nothing was discussed.. Sia la! Lol... But quite sad, I don't know why, everyone so violent today. Kun Sheng was ramming around as usual, but only more fiercely (maybe he got stressed from the math remedial), and ended up getting whacked by the ball (and hands) several times.. The result? He seemed more pissed >.< And Kelvin got really pissed. He threw the ball and shouted "Bang what bang? **** you la!" or smth like that, and then he never played for the rest of the time.. Oh ya, and 2 random badminton guys challenged Wei Cheng and us.. Wei Cheng was like "nvm one, we thrash them", then I'm like "erm.. badminton.. they jump vertically.. look at my classmate Zachary, standing broad jump 3m average..) But somehow we miraculously won them 7-4 =\
Oh well, anyway after lunch opposite the hawker centre, the 3 of us went to Bedok Central KFC to discuss. We finally planned it out. Woo hoo.. then we stoned at KFC till like 3pm+, I finally got too bored and said "Lets go somewhere else, erm.. watch movie at Princess?" Today's Monday, movies at Princess only $5 =D
And we did, we watched Indiana Jones, the only movie screening when we reached there.. The other 2 movies' next screenings are like at 7pm... The movie was not bad la, had a few funny moments.. But got a few parts quite lame. And Wen Quan can't stop complaining about Indiana Jones' soundtrack. It was like repeated over and over again in the movie, at every possible moment when they needed a background music (like for example, when the Indiana Jones is running away) lol.. Maybe they had no other sound track =P
Overall, not bad la, we paid only $5, what's there to complain. Even a lame show like "Balls of Fury" seems worth it to watch in Princess haha. $5~$6.50 for humour relief instead of spending $6.50~$9.50 in a regular cinema. Hehe ^^
Sunday, May 25, 2008
I can't take this anymore. He just sent my family into chaos and misery once again, during dinner this time. I'm so disappointed in my dad. This is not an one-off feeling or resentment. It's been like that for quite some time already..
He's so irresponsible. By this I don't mean those guys who run out on their families. He has never sincerely accepted any mistakes he made. The only time he has said "It was my fault" or any equivalent, was when he's boot-licking his superior at work, even then, he'll come home and complain that it wasn't his fault (proving that he's not even responsible at work). He always pushes the fault to other people even when it is so obvious that it was his. And he blames everyone but himself for everything that happens to him. He scolded my mother for crying because he said her crying made him feel angry, when my mother cried because of him. What the hell is with that? I wonder how I even managed to grow up under such kind of parental influence... Maybe I have his irresponsible genes.. Can someone verify with me on this?
Another thing, he's a "devoted" buddhist. By "devoted" I meant he wears it by his mouth. He always "listens" to buddhist talks and scriptures and "recites" them.. but he seriously doesn't learn anything. Instead of listening and learning, what he does is that he listens, and then uses what he has "learnt" to scold people or dictate people around or curse people into his bidding. This is like a total violation of what he has been preaching.. Wow.. I'm amazed at how he actually manages to do it all the time. He calls himself a "devoted buddhist who wants to go to Pure Land" and yet he resorts to violence and often threatens to kill us all then kill himself. I think he can enter the Guinness Book of World Records for being the most "unbuddhist-like buddhist".
Oh and another thing, which is somehow linked to the first 2 points. He hardly does what he expects or demands others to do. Okay, this may be trivial, but to me, its going against my principles. I mean, look at it this way, if I don't eat shit, yet I force you to eat shit, will you? No. Obviously. But if I eat shit, and ask you to do the same, you might do so right? Because after all, I have eaten it, it can't be that bad. You get the drift... He often shouts and ask us not to shout. He demands my sister to enter EM1 in P4 when he himself was never a good student (I'll touch on this on the next paragraph). He shouts to ask people not to shout, etc etc..
About my sis, he totally screwed her life over. Firstly, he expects way too much from us. He's been comparing my sis (who is quite lazy in my opinion) with me since she started schooling in P1. My dad expects my sis to produce comparable results since the first year of schooling when I got 292/300 and First in Standard in P1. Since then, hell started for her. In P4, when she entered EM3 (when I entered GEP in P4), my dad scolded her all the words you wouldn't expect from a dad. In Chinese: "Why you so stupid? You're so stupid you might as well go kill yourself. EM3? Why can't you be like your brother? You disgrace to the family. Your ancestors will never forgive you.. etc etc", well not really word for word (my memory ain't that great) but the tone and idea is there. Can you imagine? A 10-year-old kid whose greatest source of support scolded her these kind of words? The kind of emotional trauma and pain she suffered? Recently we brought this up to my dad during an argument and he expected my sis to give him a 180degree change in attitude after he said "sorry". Wow. He thinks his "Sorry" can cure the hurt he has done all these years? He's so naive..
Then when she had a boyfriend, my dad started to scold her "You slut. You cheap. Why you so cheap? Why you like guys so much? etc".. well duh? If not you want her to be lesbian (no offence to homosexuals) ar? You condemned our uncle for being gay (I don't see why. If he's happy, let him be la, break them up for what.. See la, now my uncle no motivation to recover from his stroke, whole day laze on the bed.. And guess what? He blames my aunt (elder sis) who is taking care of my uncle for my uncle's laziness. No surprise here). Yet you not happy that your daughter is straight... Then he goes ahead to break them up. When my sis got another boyfriend, the same thing happens. And for every boyfriend she has, my father condemns my sister and calls her a "prostitute".. What the heck la. Now my sister hates studying since my dad kept telling her she's stupid etc.. And he blames my mum for not quitting her job 4 years ago and stay at home to take care of my sis.
The family doesn't provide love. So my sister went out to find. How is that wrong? And all thanks to my dad, my sister hates me since young.. Well at least now we patched up. But still, the crack is there.
I'm not saying that I have the worst dad on earth, that's too absolute. There's definitely some other worse one out there. But why do I have a dad like that? A dad who is not responsible, uses religion to pressure people (Maybe thats why I became an atheist eh?), emotionally hurts everyone in our family (he purposely choose words to agitate and hurt both my sister and mother emotionally and mentally. I'm not affected because I treat it calmly and analyse what he says, which doesn't make sense most of the time anyway..) and sometimes even resort to violence (Yea, you heard me right. He tried to attack me and me sister with a hammer, knife, bamboo pole, threw chairs at us, etc before.. I'm serious). I've tried talking to him several times but he never listens or heeds advice.. Even when my mother tried approaching my grand-dad (my dad's mum passed away when he was in P6), he just brushed it away as a simple couple quarrel, and refuses to listen (my dad also doesn't listen whenever he's in the wrong). Maybe it does pass down in the genes, generation by generation.. Can someone verify if I'm like that as well? If so, I wish to rectify this ASAP. I don't want to let the next generation suffer. If I can't do that, I'll remain a bachelor my whole life.
He's so irresponsible. By this I don't mean those guys who run out on their families. He has never sincerely accepted any mistakes he made. The only time he has said "It was my fault" or any equivalent, was when he's boot-licking his superior at work, even then, he'll come home and complain that it wasn't his fault (proving that he's not even responsible at work). He always pushes the fault to other people even when it is so obvious that it was his. And he blames everyone but himself for everything that happens to him. He scolded my mother for crying because he said her crying made him feel angry, when my mother cried because of him. What the hell is with that? I wonder how I even managed to grow up under such kind of parental influence... Maybe I have his irresponsible genes.. Can someone verify with me on this?
Another thing, he's a "devoted" buddhist. By "devoted" I meant he wears it by his mouth. He always "listens" to buddhist talks and scriptures and "recites" them.. but he seriously doesn't learn anything. Instead of listening and learning, what he does is that he listens, and then uses what he has "learnt" to scold people or dictate people around or curse people into his bidding. This is like a total violation of what he has been preaching.. Wow.. I'm amazed at how he actually manages to do it all the time. He calls himself a "devoted buddhist who wants to go to Pure Land" and yet he resorts to violence and often threatens to kill us all then kill himself. I think he can enter the Guinness Book of World Records for being the most "unbuddhist-like buddhist".
Oh and another thing, which is somehow linked to the first 2 points. He hardly does what he expects or demands others to do. Okay, this may be trivial, but to me, its going against my principles. I mean, look at it this way, if I don't eat shit, yet I force you to eat shit, will you? No. Obviously. But if I eat shit, and ask you to do the same, you might do so right? Because after all, I have eaten it, it can't be that bad. You get the drift... He often shouts and ask us not to shout. He demands my sister to enter EM1 in P4 when he himself was never a good student (I'll touch on this on the next paragraph). He shouts to ask people not to shout, etc etc..
About my sis, he totally screwed her life over. Firstly, he expects way too much from us. He's been comparing my sis (who is quite lazy in my opinion) with me since she started schooling in P1. My dad expects my sis to produce comparable results since the first year of schooling when I got 292/300 and First in Standard in P1. Since then, hell started for her. In P4, when she entered EM3 (when I entered GEP in P4), my dad scolded her all the words you wouldn't expect from a dad. In Chinese: "Why you so stupid? You're so stupid you might as well go kill yourself. EM3? Why can't you be like your brother? You disgrace to the family. Your ancestors will never forgive you.. etc etc", well not really word for word (my memory ain't that great) but the tone and idea is there. Can you imagine? A 10-year-old kid whose greatest source of support scolded her these kind of words? The kind of emotional trauma and pain she suffered? Recently we brought this up to my dad during an argument and he expected my sis to give him a 180degree change in attitude after he said "sorry". Wow. He thinks his "Sorry" can cure the hurt he has done all these years? He's so naive..
Then when she had a boyfriend, my dad started to scold her "You slut. You cheap. Why you so cheap? Why you like guys so much? etc".. well duh? If not you want her to be lesbian (no offence to homosexuals) ar? You condemned our uncle for being gay (I don't see why. If he's happy, let him be la, break them up for what.. See la, now my uncle no motivation to recover from his stroke, whole day laze on the bed.. And guess what? He blames my aunt (elder sis) who is taking care of my uncle for my uncle's laziness. No surprise here). Yet you not happy that your daughter is straight... Then he goes ahead to break them up. When my sis got another boyfriend, the same thing happens. And for every boyfriend she has, my father condemns my sister and calls her a "prostitute".. What the heck la. Now my sister hates studying since my dad kept telling her she's stupid etc.. And he blames my mum for not quitting her job 4 years ago and stay at home to take care of my sis.
The family doesn't provide love. So my sister went out to find. How is that wrong? And all thanks to my dad, my sister hates me since young.. Well at least now we patched up. But still, the crack is there.
I'm not saying that I have the worst dad on earth, that's too absolute. There's definitely some other worse one out there. But why do I have a dad like that? A dad who is not responsible, uses religion to pressure people (Maybe thats why I became an atheist eh?), emotionally hurts everyone in our family (he purposely choose words to agitate and hurt both my sister and mother emotionally and mentally. I'm not affected because I treat it calmly and analyse what he says, which doesn't make sense most of the time anyway..) and sometimes even resort to violence (Yea, you heard me right. He tried to attack me and me sister with a hammer, knife, bamboo pole, threw chairs at us, etc before.. I'm serious). I've tried talking to him several times but he never listens or heeds advice.. Even when my mother tried approaching my grand-dad (my dad's mum passed away when he was in P6), he just brushed it away as a simple couple quarrel, and refuses to listen (my dad also doesn't listen whenever he's in the wrong). Maybe it does pass down in the genes, generation by generation.. Can someone verify if I'm like that as well? If so, I wish to rectify this ASAP. I don't want to let the next generation suffer. If I can't do that, I'll remain a bachelor my whole life.
No title is suitable
Went for VJC Harmonica concert last night.. sian la! I missed first half of the show.. stupid 197 tio jam jam jam like nobody's business... 45min journey become 1hr 30min journey or so... zzz.. Anyway, they were good.. but their MCs were crap.. they bore the audience -.-
Oh, and I met many friends, both expected and unexpected.. There was Kaiwan, Jinci, Cleaven whom I know were performing (they were good sia..), then I met Hao Jun and Yan Cheng.. I could hardly recognise them lol.. Hao Jun looks less kiddish (maybe because Kevin not with him.. brings back memories of the Kevin-Hao Jun comedy duo.. haha) and Yan Cheng had a haircut till he looked like (as a certain PE teacher in TJC always loves to say..) army boy.. Concerts sure are a good place to catch up with friends and enjoy oneself =)
...and maybe make friends? Erm.. Not so sure about that though.. Went with Mianjun's Cheung Cheng class twice during VJ guitar and harmonica concert.. Ended up they talked among each other.. I feel so alienated.. Oh well.. Expected.. Haha.. at least I know who Kenneth Papa is.
Oh btw, I haven't talked about Pedra Branca right? Wooo!! Go Singapore!! Expand your water territories... Go go go! Give us a official school day off to celebrate!! Oh wait, its the holidays.. Damn...
Oh, and I met many friends, both expected and unexpected.. There was Kaiwan, Jinci, Cleaven whom I know were performing (they were good sia..), then I met Hao Jun and Yan Cheng.. I could hardly recognise them lol.. Hao Jun looks less kiddish (maybe because Kevin not with him.. brings back memories of the Kevin-Hao Jun comedy duo.. haha) and Yan Cheng had a haircut till he looked like (as a certain PE teacher in TJC always loves to say..) army boy.. Concerts sure are a good place to catch up with friends and enjoy oneself =)
...and maybe make friends? Erm.. Not so sure about that though.. Went with Mianjun's Cheung Cheng class twice during VJ guitar and harmonica concert.. Ended up they talked among each other.. I feel so alienated.. Oh well.. Expected.. Haha.. at least I know who Kenneth Papa is.
Oh btw, I haven't talked about Pedra Branca right? Wooo!! Go Singapore!! Expand your water territories... Go go go! Give us a official school day off to celebrate!! Oh wait, its the holidays.. Damn...
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Its over. Hm.
Mardi Gras ended yesterday night. I'm not exactly quite happy.. they sacrificed "My Sacrifice".. After I spent 3hrs learning it because Fawwaz said he can't play it and only I will be playing it.. zzzz.. Bah whatever. The performance was shitty as well. Every song at least 1 person screw up. zzz.. Bah, screw it. whatever. zzz
It seems like I have suddenly became a free man. No more things to do. Is that good or bad?
It seems like I have suddenly became a free man. No more things to do. Is that good or bad?
Monday, May 19, 2008
What Unluck.
Indeed. Unluckiness has struck me today. When I was about to practice for Mardi Gras, I can't find my pick. Then I realised, oh ya, I left it at ebenex's jamming studio last thursday.. sian.. no choice, use fingers.. Just when I was about to start, I remembered Ryan said he needed all of us to tune down half a step. So I did.. tune tune tune.. *SNAP*.. Sian.. 1 month old string so easy break one ar? wtf.. my previous string was like a few years old yet never snap before.. zzz
So off I go to Peninsula to get new strings and picks. On the way I checked my wallet. OH SHIT. Only $20! I spent nearly $20 on the previous set of strings, confirm can't afford another pack of strings let alone get picks.. So I ran home and ransacked my house. Oh no.. can't find money. Called my parents, both at Expo attending the praying thingy with my sis.. All uncontactable. Gah. Sian.. Sat down and thinked for like 5min.. then decided to borrow from neighbour.. So I did. I borrowed $50 (just in case) then SMS-ed my mum to ask her return our neighbour and that I'll return the change and receipt to her tonight. And off I go... whee... (finally, after nearly 30min of panic -.-)
On the bus, Fawwaz SMS me what kind of strings I should get. He said cost $7/pack or so.. I'm like "WTH? I got scammed last month? Stupid guitar shop guy. He was telling me 'this one is best selling. very reliable one'. Wtf la! It costed me nearly $20 and it snapped in less than a month" then Fawwaz kept saying "lol","rofl","this is amusing", etc. Then he asked me buy 2 packs of strings and 10 new picks in case things screw up again. Thanks a lot ar.
When I reached Peninsula, I asked for the pack and asked for the price. $6. Woah. Nice. Ok, I shall follow Fawwaz's advice. I bought 2 packs of strings(since its cheap, MUCH CHEAPER than the stupid rip-off packs of strings I bought a month ago) and 3 new picks (3 for $2). Whee... And I went home to fix my guitar.
The thought of restringing my guitar is bad enough.. Its not the kind of electric where you just loosen the old strings, remove, pull new string in, tighten.. Mine has like 99999 steps..
1) Loosen all old strings
2) Use tremolo arm to lift the back of the guitar
3) Meanwhile, quickly unscrew knobs using some wierd mechanism thingy provided with the guitar when I bought it (like years ago.. stupid teacher scam me to buy then he ran off elsewhere to teach.. Faggot)
4) Yank out the old string from the knob thingy
5) Push new string all the way in.. fix it well..
6) Use the tremolo arm to life the back of the guitar again
7) Meanwhile, quickly screw in the knobs firmly using wierd mechanism again
8) Tighten strings
It may sound simple, but actually its quite daunting.. especially the tremelo and unscrewing parts. Takes a toll on your arms, I tell you...
After removing the old strings.. I realised. Holy crap, my guitar is so rusty I can't see any metal left. Okay that was exaggeration but you get what I meant. So I decided to do something about it. Surfed the net, blah blah blah.. you need this chemical from XXX shop, blah blah blah... Retarded, no way I'm going out to get some stupid chemical again. So I decided to ask Fawwaz. He told me use my string polisher on my steel wool then wipe. So I took out my string polisher.. WTH even the string polisher is rusty, it was totally brown. So I gave up. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I opened up my MSN Messager window and searched through all my contacts for people who use electric guitars. Then I spotted Bryan. Wooo! He told me use coke and cloth. And... IT WORKS!! Holy crap. Nice la... (another reason why I shouldn't drink coke -.-)
And so after removing the rust, I attempted to polish the guitar body a bit (well I can't really get it polished, it always ends up with fingerprints/palm prints when I play the guitar anyway).. And time check: 6pm+.. Siao siao.. I spent 5hrs+ on this whole crusade just to be able to start practising.. Perfect huh.
Oh, by the way, did I tell you, this is the first time I actually re-stringed my guitar? Muahahaha.. Sense of achievement. Last time I always wait till Friday then bring to my classical guitar lesson and ask my teacher help me string over the weekend or something.. Guess I picked up something eh? =D

Extra Life? Ya right...

$6 per pack. Nice.

Looks shiny eh? Guess not. Haha..
P.S. Thanks to Fawwaz and Bryan, my guitar is saved. Yay.
So off I go to Peninsula to get new strings and picks. On the way I checked my wallet. OH SHIT. Only $20! I spent nearly $20 on the previous set of strings, confirm can't afford another pack of strings let alone get picks.. So I ran home and ransacked my house. Oh no.. can't find money. Called my parents, both at Expo attending the praying thingy with my sis.. All uncontactable. Gah. Sian.. Sat down and thinked for like 5min.. then decided to borrow from neighbour.. So I did. I borrowed $50 (just in case) then SMS-ed my mum to ask her return our neighbour and that I'll return the change and receipt to her tonight. And off I go... whee... (finally, after nearly 30min of panic -.-)
On the bus, Fawwaz SMS me what kind of strings I should get. He said cost $7/pack or so.. I'm like "WTH? I got scammed last month? Stupid guitar shop guy. He was telling me 'this one is best selling. very reliable one'. Wtf la! It costed me nearly $20 and it snapped in less than a month" then Fawwaz kept saying "lol","rofl","this is amusing", etc. Then he asked me buy 2 packs of strings and 10 new picks in case things screw up again. Thanks a lot ar.
When I reached Peninsula, I asked for the pack and asked for the price. $6. Woah. Nice. Ok, I shall follow Fawwaz's advice. I bought 2 packs of strings(since its cheap, MUCH CHEAPER than the stupid rip-off packs of strings I bought a month ago) and 3 new picks (3 for $2). Whee... And I went home to fix my guitar.
The thought of restringing my guitar is bad enough.. Its not the kind of electric where you just loosen the old strings, remove, pull new string in, tighten.. Mine has like 99999 steps..
1) Loosen all old strings
2) Use tremolo arm to lift the back of the guitar
3) Meanwhile, quickly unscrew knobs using some wierd mechanism thingy provided with the guitar when I bought it (like years ago.. stupid teacher scam me to buy then he ran off elsewhere to teach.. Faggot)
4) Yank out the old string from the knob thingy
5) Push new string all the way in.. fix it well..
6) Use the tremolo arm to life the back of the guitar again
7) Meanwhile, quickly screw in the knobs firmly using wierd mechanism again
8) Tighten strings
It may sound simple, but actually its quite daunting.. especially the tremelo and unscrewing parts. Takes a toll on your arms, I tell you...
After removing the old strings.. I realised. Holy crap, my guitar is so rusty I can't see any metal left. Okay that was exaggeration but you get what I meant. So I decided to do something about it. Surfed the net, blah blah blah.. you need this chemical from XXX shop, blah blah blah... Retarded, no way I'm going out to get some stupid chemical again. So I decided to ask Fawwaz. He told me use my string polisher on my steel wool then wipe. So I took out my string polisher.. WTH even the string polisher is rusty, it was totally brown. So I gave up. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I opened up my MSN Messager window and searched through all my contacts for people who use electric guitars. Then I spotted Bryan. Wooo! He told me use coke and cloth. And... IT WORKS!! Holy crap. Nice la... (another reason why I shouldn't drink coke -.-)
And so after removing the rust, I attempted to polish the guitar body a bit (well I can't really get it polished, it always ends up with fingerprints/palm prints when I play the guitar anyway).. And time check: 6pm+.. Siao siao.. I spent 5hrs+ on this whole crusade just to be able to start practising.. Perfect huh.
Oh, by the way, did I tell you, this is the first time I actually re-stringed my guitar? Muahahaha.. Sense of achievement. Last time I always wait till Friday then bring to my classical guitar lesson and ask my teacher help me string over the weekend or something.. Guess I picked up something eh? =D

Extra Life? Ya right...

$6 per pack. Nice.

Looks shiny eh? Guess not. Haha..
P.S. Thanks to Fawwaz and Bryan, my guitar is saved. Yay.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Game Review: RayHound & Debrysis
Been quite some time since I last reviewed a game (in March, Ragnarok Battle Offline if you can even remember haha). Thats why I'm going to review TWO games. Muahahaha... Good grief, I wonder how long I will spend...
Alright! Today I shall review a game introduced to me by Ryan in computing lab. Ryan is an avid downloader of free standalone games and has flooded his computer in the lab with at least 10 different types of games and counting (shh.. keep secret from DKAO!). Well, what can I say? Good job Ryan. For providing us sources of entertainment when we're bored programming. Haha.
Out of the many games he downloaded. Two caught my interest - RayHound and Debrysis.
Ray-Hound (by Hikware)

RayHound is basically a game where you move a small little ship-like thing around the map. Turrets will spawn and shoot you. To fight back, you either take control of the missiles shot at you (by clicking the left mouse button and holding on to it till you want to release the missiles) or you deflect them back (with a quick flick of your mouse to ram your ship into the missile). However, obviously you can only do these when the missiles are close to you. So basically there is no life bar or whatsoever. The game uses a timer system to keep track. Everytime you get hit, you lose 10seconds. The game is over when the time hits zero. Everytime you kill a turret or complete a round, extra time is added on. It's basically quite a easy game to play and all you need is your mouse. The graphics is also quite smooth and cool-looking. Heh. Though it may be frustrating at the start learning how to control/deflect enemy missiles, once you get the hang of it, its quite fun.. At least for a while, till you get bored.
Since you only got 2 kinds of attack (Control or Deflect), let me explain how to make full use of it.
Controlling means left clicking the mouse and holding on the the button. When you initially left click the mouse, a circle will appear around your ship. Any missiles in that area will be controlled by you and turn blue, and they will circle/orbit around you till you let go of the button. This means you can either:
1) run around with many orbiting missiles and hope to hit something, or
2) time the orbiting missile to fire in a desired direction
Obviously 2) will be harder to do but will be more efficient. I found this out by coincidence, but if you stand ANYWHERE in the map and control any incoming missiles for 1~2seconds then let go, the missile will always fly back towards the direction it came from, hence killing the turret that fired it. It has to do with the orbiting motion. As all missiles are fired at the ship, if you control it while it passes near you, it will move forward till it hits the circumference of the circle of control before turning 180degrees backwards. That's when you let go of your button.
Deflecting would mean using "Boost" of your ship to ram into missiles either from the side or head-front, causing them to become your missiles and flying in whichever direction you ram them into. This is particularly useful if you want to immediately kill the turret without waiting for the missile to orbit and fire back. "Boost" can be adjusted by pressing ESC during gameplay. The higher the value, the faster you have to twitch your mouse to cause a deflection. The lower the easier, but you may end up boosting and overshooting your intended destination while moving around normally.
Whether you would prefer which style of attack is up to you. It all boils down to style and preference =)

All the Red missiles will soon turn Blue. Muahahaha.
SozoS's Ratings:
Graphics: 7/10 [Simple yet elegant]
Sound Effects: 0/10 [No sound! LOL]
Gameplay: 6/10 [May be a little irritating at the start, but once you get the hang of it, should be fine]
Replayability: 4/10 [Gets boring after a while]
Overall Rating: 4.5/10
Related Websites:
Download Link:;6352136;/fileinfo.html
Debrysis (by OUEO)

Debrysis is a classic shooter-survival game. Basically you run around in 5 different maps (Saucer, Plate, Oppression, Column Hall, Accident). Saucer is simply a small circle without any obstacles, Plate is a larger version of Saucer, while the other 3 have obstacles around the map to make things more exciting. You control a car starting with 5 hp (boxes above your car). With every hp, you have a "shield block". This means you can effectively be hit 10 times before you die, which is good. Haha. Oh, by the way, when you hit certain scores, your car will "level up" and become bigger so it is easier to get hit. But don't worry, I didn't call it "level up" without a reason. Your hp goes back to full - 5 hp! The perfect solution needed to survive if you can't get your Medkit/Shield/Saw in time - provided you have luck that is. Haha.
Of course, what is a shooter game without power-ups? Let's see what we have:

Car aids:
- MedKit (gives 1 or 2 hp. Quite random. Only pops up when you're at 2hp or less)
- Shield (provides immunity for a while)
- Saw (coats your car with saw! take this opportunity to saw them your enemies)
"God" Acts (so called because if its devastating powers without the player shooting):
- Meteor (calls down a meteor to utterly kill anything in that area)
- Devastation (calls in rockets from the perimeters of the map to fly towards the center then fly back out. Explodes on any impact with the enemies on the way)
- Jam (turns enemies smaller. Easier for you to dodge but harder for you to shoot them)
- Stop! (enters Matrix mode.. oooooh.. Slows down EVERYTHING but the motion of your car. Provides you chance to escape tight holes and perform tricks. However slows down your weapon attacks as well!)
- Power up (makes all your weapons stronger, turns devastation rockets into fire rockets!)
- Scores x2 (doesnt literally x2, just gives you more score when you kill with this activated, ie your car has a greenish aura)
- Machine gun (you start with this)
- Minigun (a much much MUCH faster version of machine gun. As Fawwaz says it "Omg Minigun is orgasmic!")
- Shotgun (shoots 3 machine gun bullets but slower rate of fire)
- Plasma gun (shoots one glob of green thing. Shoots through initial target and hit anything behind it.. but its damage is especially weak.. But highly recommended in maps with many obstacles since its the only kind of attack that can shoot through obstacles, hitting enemies behind)
- Plasma rifle (shoots 3 globs but slower rate of fire, a shotgun version for plasma gun)
- Flamethrower (Short range, burns anything in its range though)
- Igniter (Stronger version of Flamethrower, much longer range as well)
- Rocket Launcher (I find this weapon very tactical. you have to time your attacks as the rate of fire is a joke. yet the explosive firepower of this is no joke.)
- Berserk Rockets (Shoots out 6 rockets from your car, direction is fixed and uncontrollable unless you turn the car. Very strong yet risky as enemies may hit you by moving through the paths without the rockets. Also explosions from the rockets make it harder for you to control movement of the car)
- Sniper Rifle (Instant kills anything in a straight line. Perfect for kill a long chain of enemies if their heads are facing you. However, rather slow rate of fire, same as Rocket Launcher)
- Neonation (A super improved version of Plasma Gun. Shoots through initial targets to hit the ones behind as well. But this time with added lots of added damage.)
- ??? (Perhaps there are stronger weapons which have yet to be unlocked.. Hm)
The enemies in the game looks like bacteria or germs.. Heh. They're basically cells/snakes of different colours, each with their own characteristics. They will all aim to hit your car to kill you.
Red with black core: Moves at a decent speed, easy to kill. Continues to follow you even if you hit it.
Green: Moves fast, homes you. Turns away whenever it gets hit on its head ONCE.
Blue: Moves like a joker. Slow like mad. But relatively more hp, hence perfect for trapping you since its usually long and slow-moving
Red with white stripes: Moves at an extremely fast speed and ricochet off walls. Usually comes in large groups. Dies off after moving for a while.
Yellow with black core: By far the hardest to kill. Highest amount of hp and movement is comparable to Green enemies. Yet they continue to come after you even if you shoot their head. Only way to kill it efficiently is to aim a sniper rifle at its head and shoot through its body in a straight line.
Edit: I just tested Neonation. Its quite effective for killing the yellow enemy as well. Especially the stage where many of them appear. By that time it'll be hard to aim for the head using Sniper Rifle and it would be much easier to just run around and survive while spraying Neonation to hit through everything.
Obviously you should strive to pick up as much Car Aids/"God" Acts/Neutrals to aid you. Also, pick up only weapons you like or prefer as whatever new weapons you pick up will overwrite the previous ones. Personally I would recommend Minigun/Igniter for early levels on maps without obstacles (Saucer and Plate), while Plasma Gun/Rifle on maps with obstacles. Later on, its up to playing style to pick either Rocket Launcher, Berserk Rockets,Sniper Rifle or Neonation.
Rocket Launcher players will tend to run around a lot and time their rockets to do maximum damage.
Players that don't like to shoot but want to focus on driving would turn to Berserk Rocket as it frees up their shooting concentration for better dodging.
Sniper Rifle users on the other hand, always drive up to strategic locations and finding ways to make the enemies travel in a straight line towards the car, then fire a shot at it, instantly killing it. Their favourite powerup would be "Stop!" as it gives them all the liberty to maneuver to desired locations and pick off the enemies before they can move. Hehe.
Neonation users bank on the fact that it shoots through all targets. Hence in a situation where the map is completely filled with enemies. Every shot will hit several enemies at the same time, causing massive overall damage output.
Other tactics would include splitting the job between 2 people. 1 shoot and 1 drive. Just like classic action movies eh? ("___, you shoot and I'll drive!"). Marginally improves the score and greatly improves the element of fun in playing this game. Ryan and me first proved that it works well when we broke the high score for playing solo by more than twice as much =D (But the person got pissed and spammed the game till he got higher -.-)

The igniter engulfing the enemies while the devastation missiles fly by in "Stop!" slow motion mode.

A Meteor hitting the whole bunch of enemies, instantly annihilating them. Ouch for them. Hehe.
SozoS's Ratings:
Graphics: 8/10 [Smooth graphics, nice looking as well]
Sound Effects: 5/10 [Nothing spectacular]
Gameplay: 9/10 [The blood-pumping action will never fail to occur once you press start]
Replayability: 7/10 [Excellent replayability. Even on one map, the game will always be different every round. Let alone having 5 maps. Having friends competing with you for high scores or having a companion to play it with you makes it much less boring as well =)]
Overall Rating: 7.5/10
Related Websites:
Download link:
Wooo. Finally done. Time check: 2hrs. WTF?! Omg. I must have spent too much time trying to take manual screenshots for Debrysis.. zzz
Alright! Today I shall review a game introduced to me by Ryan in computing lab. Ryan is an avid downloader of free standalone games and has flooded his computer in the lab with at least 10 different types of games and counting (shh.. keep secret from DKAO!). Well, what can I say? Good job Ryan. For providing us sources of entertainment when we're bored programming. Haha.
Out of the many games he downloaded. Two caught my interest - RayHound and Debrysis.
Ray-Hound (by Hikware)
RayHound is basically a game where you move a small little ship-like thing around the map. Turrets will spawn and shoot you. To fight back, you either take control of the missiles shot at you (by clicking the left mouse button and holding on to it till you want to release the missiles) or you deflect them back (with a quick flick of your mouse to ram your ship into the missile). However, obviously you can only do these when the missiles are close to you. So basically there is no life bar or whatsoever. The game uses a timer system to keep track. Everytime you get hit, you lose 10seconds. The game is over when the time hits zero. Everytime you kill a turret or complete a round, extra time is added on. It's basically quite a easy game to play and all you need is your mouse. The graphics is also quite smooth and cool-looking. Heh. Though it may be frustrating at the start learning how to control/deflect enemy missiles, once you get the hang of it, its quite fun.. At least for a while, till you get bored.
Since you only got 2 kinds of attack (Control or Deflect), let me explain how to make full use of it.
Controlling means left clicking the mouse and holding on the the button. When you initially left click the mouse, a circle will appear around your ship. Any missiles in that area will be controlled by you and turn blue, and they will circle/orbit around you till you let go of the button. This means you can either:
1) run around with many orbiting missiles and hope to hit something, or
2) time the orbiting missile to fire in a desired direction
Obviously 2) will be harder to do but will be more efficient. I found this out by coincidence, but if you stand ANYWHERE in the map and control any incoming missiles for 1~2seconds then let go, the missile will always fly back towards the direction it came from, hence killing the turret that fired it. It has to do with the orbiting motion. As all missiles are fired at the ship, if you control it while it passes near you, it will move forward till it hits the circumference of the circle of control before turning 180degrees backwards. That's when you let go of your button.
Deflecting would mean using "Boost" of your ship to ram into missiles either from the side or head-front, causing them to become your missiles and flying in whichever direction you ram them into. This is particularly useful if you want to immediately kill the turret without waiting for the missile to orbit and fire back. "Boost" can be adjusted by pressing ESC during gameplay. The higher the value, the faster you have to twitch your mouse to cause a deflection. The lower the easier, but you may end up boosting and overshooting your intended destination while moving around normally.
Whether you would prefer which style of attack is up to you. It all boils down to style and preference =)
All the Red missiles will soon turn Blue. Muahahaha.
SozoS's Ratings:
Graphics: 7/10 [Simple yet elegant]
Sound Effects: 0/10 [No sound! LOL]
Gameplay: 6/10 [May be a little irritating at the start, but once you get the hang of it, should be fine]
Replayability: 4/10 [Gets boring after a while]
Overall Rating: 4.5/10
Related Websites:
Download Link:;6352136;/fileinfo.html
Debrysis (by OUEO)
Debrysis is a classic shooter-survival game. Basically you run around in 5 different maps (Saucer, Plate, Oppression, Column Hall, Accident). Saucer is simply a small circle without any obstacles, Plate is a larger version of Saucer, while the other 3 have obstacles around the map to make things more exciting. You control a car starting with 5 hp (boxes above your car). With every hp, you have a "shield block". This means you can effectively be hit 10 times before you die, which is good. Haha. Oh, by the way, when you hit certain scores, your car will "level up" and become bigger so it is easier to get hit. But don't worry, I didn't call it "level up" without a reason. Your hp goes back to full - 5 hp! The perfect solution needed to survive if you can't get your Medkit/Shield/Saw in time - provided you have luck that is. Haha.
Of course, what is a shooter game without power-ups? Let's see what we have:
Car aids:
- MedKit (gives 1 or 2 hp. Quite random. Only pops up when you're at 2hp or less)
- Shield (provides immunity for a while)
- Saw (coats your car with saw! take this opportunity to saw them your enemies)
"God" Acts (so called because if its devastating powers without the player shooting):
- Meteor (calls down a meteor to utterly kill anything in that area)
- Devastation (calls in rockets from the perimeters of the map to fly towards the center then fly back out. Explodes on any impact with the enemies on the way)
- Jam (turns enemies smaller. Easier for you to dodge but harder for you to shoot them)
- Stop! (enters Matrix mode.. oooooh.. Slows down EVERYTHING but the motion of your car. Provides you chance to escape tight holes and perform tricks. However slows down your weapon attacks as well!)
- Power up (makes all your weapons stronger, turns devastation rockets into fire rockets!)
- Scores x2 (doesnt literally x2, just gives you more score when you kill with this activated, ie your car has a greenish aura)
- Machine gun (you start with this)
- Minigun (a much much MUCH faster version of machine gun. As Fawwaz says it "Omg Minigun is orgasmic!")
- Shotgun (shoots 3 machine gun bullets but slower rate of fire)
- Plasma gun (shoots one glob of green thing. Shoots through initial target and hit anything behind it.. but its damage is especially weak.. But highly recommended in maps with many obstacles since its the only kind of attack that can shoot through obstacles, hitting enemies behind)
- Plasma rifle (shoots 3 globs but slower rate of fire, a shotgun version for plasma gun)
- Flamethrower (Short range, burns anything in its range though)
- Igniter (Stronger version of Flamethrower, much longer range as well)
- Rocket Launcher (I find this weapon very tactical. you have to time your attacks as the rate of fire is a joke. yet the explosive firepower of this is no joke.)
- Berserk Rockets (Shoots out 6 rockets from your car, direction is fixed and uncontrollable unless you turn the car. Very strong yet risky as enemies may hit you by moving through the paths without the rockets. Also explosions from the rockets make it harder for you to control movement of the car)
- Sniper Rifle (Instant kills anything in a straight line. Perfect for kill a long chain of enemies if their heads are facing you. However, rather slow rate of fire, same as Rocket Launcher)
- Neonation (A super improved version of Plasma Gun. Shoots through initial targets to hit the ones behind as well. But this time with added lots of added damage.)
- ??? (Perhaps there are stronger weapons which have yet to be unlocked.. Hm)
The enemies in the game looks like bacteria or germs.. Heh. They're basically cells/snakes of different colours, each with their own characteristics. They will all aim to hit your car to kill you.
Red with black core: Moves at a decent speed, easy to kill. Continues to follow you even if you hit it.
Green: Moves fast, homes you. Turns away whenever it gets hit on its head ONCE.
Blue: Moves like a joker. Slow like mad. But relatively more hp, hence perfect for trapping you since its usually long and slow-moving
Red with white stripes: Moves at an extremely fast speed and ricochet off walls. Usually comes in large groups. Dies off after moving for a while.
Yellow with black core: By far the hardest to kill. Highest amount of hp and movement is comparable to Green enemies. Yet they continue to come after you even if you shoot their head. Only way to kill it efficiently is to aim a sniper rifle at its head and shoot through its body in a straight line.
Edit: I just tested Neonation. Its quite effective for killing the yellow enemy as well. Especially the stage where many of them appear. By that time it'll be hard to aim for the head using Sniper Rifle and it would be much easier to just run around and survive while spraying Neonation to hit through everything.
Obviously you should strive to pick up as much Car Aids/"God" Acts/Neutrals to aid you. Also, pick up only weapons you like or prefer as whatever new weapons you pick up will overwrite the previous ones. Personally I would recommend Minigun/Igniter for early levels on maps without obstacles (Saucer and Plate), while Plasma Gun/Rifle on maps with obstacles. Later on, its up to playing style to pick either Rocket Launcher, Berserk Rockets,Sniper Rifle or Neonation.
Rocket Launcher players will tend to run around a lot and time their rockets to do maximum damage.
Players that don't like to shoot but want to focus on driving would turn to Berserk Rocket as it frees up their shooting concentration for better dodging.
Sniper Rifle users on the other hand, always drive up to strategic locations and finding ways to make the enemies travel in a straight line towards the car, then fire a shot at it, instantly killing it. Their favourite powerup would be "Stop!" as it gives them all the liberty to maneuver to desired locations and pick off the enemies before they can move. Hehe.
Neonation users bank on the fact that it shoots through all targets. Hence in a situation where the map is completely filled with enemies. Every shot will hit several enemies at the same time, causing massive overall damage output.
Other tactics would include splitting the job between 2 people. 1 shoot and 1 drive. Just like classic action movies eh? ("___, you shoot and I'll drive!"). Marginally improves the score and greatly improves the element of fun in playing this game. Ryan and me first proved that it works well when we broke the high score for playing solo by more than twice as much =D (But the person got pissed and spammed the game till he got higher -.-)
The igniter engulfing the enemies while the devastation missiles fly by in "Stop!" slow motion mode.
A Meteor hitting the whole bunch of enemies, instantly annihilating them. Ouch for them. Hehe.
SozoS's Ratings:
Graphics: 8/10 [Smooth graphics, nice looking as well]
Sound Effects: 5/10 [Nothing spectacular]
Gameplay: 9/10 [The blood-pumping action will never fail to occur once you press start]
Replayability: 7/10 [Excellent replayability. Even on one map, the game will always be different every round. Let alone having 5 maps. Having friends competing with you for high scores or having a companion to play it with you makes it much less boring as well =)]
Overall Rating: 7.5/10
Related Websites:
Download link:
Wooo. Finally done. Time check: 2hrs. WTF?! Omg. I must have spent too much time trying to take manual screenshots for Debrysis.. zzz
Saturday, May 17, 2008
VJC Guitar Concert
Last night, I slept over at my grandma's house because I was selected to go as one of the two class representives for College Day.. zzzzzzz... Okay la.. I just wasted 1 morning of my life. Lucky not whole day.
Friday (16/5)
Today during lunch I saw this pasted outside a Roti Prata shop.

I never knew they sold paper rolls and BOMBS! Sia la. I want a bomb for only $1.50 sia. Then can pour water into it and play water bomb.
Went for VJC Guitar Concert last night with Mianjun, Kenneth and some other TJ guitar girl (oops. forgot >.<) - both of them and Mianjun same class in Chung Cheng. They came to support their other classmate Serene. I came to support Michelle from Taiwan Immersion Programme, and I met JinCi in the concert as well! It's like a super mini version of ZZSH gathering lol. 3 ppl out of 10+. Haha... Anyway it was good. Sad to say but TJ's guitar concert pales in comparison =(
And they got this band, Csus4, that performed "Click 5 - Jenny".. It's not just the vocalist is good or the drummer is good or whatever, their whole band has damn good mo qi (coordination) la! Starting when curtains withdrawing they got pose (that, i was laughing at at first), then throughout the song they did stunts together.. so coordinated. Then ending they all "fall on their knees and died" when they sang that part of the song.. Sia la! The whole audience cheered. They're like the best band out the band performances that night.
Random pictures I snapped when I wasn't having problems catching my breath or enjoying myself.

Friday (16/5)
Today during lunch I saw this pasted outside a Roti Prata shop.

I never knew they sold paper rolls and BOMBS! Sia la. I want a bomb for only $1.50 sia. Then can pour water into it and play water bomb.
Went for VJC Guitar Concert last night with Mianjun, Kenneth and some other TJ guitar girl (oops. forgot >.<) - both of them and Mianjun same class in Chung Cheng. They came to support their other classmate Serene. I came to support Michelle from Taiwan Immersion Programme, and I met JinCi in the concert as well! It's like a super mini version of ZZSH gathering lol. 3 ppl out of 10+. Haha... Anyway it was good. Sad to say but TJ's guitar concert pales in comparison =(
And they got this band, Csus4, that performed "Click 5 - Jenny".. It's not just the vocalist is good or the drummer is good or whatever, their whole band has damn good mo qi (coordination) la! Starting when curtains withdrawing they got pose (that, i was laughing at at first), then throughout the song they did stunts together.. so coordinated. Then ending they all "fall on their knees and died" when they sang that part of the song.. Sia la! The whole audience cheered. They're like the best band out the band performances that night.
Random pictures I snapped when I wasn't having problems catching my breath or enjoying myself.

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Damn. I'm such a nuisance
Gosh. I can't believe what I did in Computing Lab today.. I totally acted like some kiddy who is out of control.. I started making funny noises and, probably, pissing off people around me and Mr Kao. In the end, everyone around me, including me, didn't manage to focus on our programming.. What the heck possessed me sia... Don't tell me its post-stress symptoms (from the H3) cos I got Mardi Gras coming up next Friday. Oh crap, it is really is post-stress symptoms.. then that means.. after Mardi Gras it will only get worse. Omg. Please. Don't.
Speaking of Mardi Gras, we went to Ebenex to jam again.. Damn I was crappy. I'm having doubts about using picks. Oh well. Anyway I lost it after we jammed.. zzz.. After jamming, we came out.. then we talked to SK! (No dota players, its not skel king or sand king.. Its "Something Kumar", wait. nono. its "S____ Kumar" according to Ryan) He's like damn cool sia. He's like a Jack of all trades and a "semi-professional" of all (as he puts it).. He's the guitarist for PeepShow, he knows just about almost everything related to bands (drums, bass guitars, guitars, etc), he knows interior design (he turned down an interior design job offer to work in Ebenex, then his boss heard of it and asked him redesign Ebenex office. Rofl!), he plays badminton (while spamming trick shots and "acting anime when his GF whacks the shuttlecock into his face"), he does sound effects (thats how Ryan met him. He did sound effects for Ryan's beatboxing gig a few times), he is "a semi-professional tattooist" (in his very own words), and the list goes on and on sia.. Until Ryan asked him "Do you sew?" Haha.. Anyway, check out on MYSPACE about PeepShow. Cool band. Cool music =)
Reached home FINALLY.. Ate instant noodles for dinner (just like last wk zzz). Didn't felt like doing all the work I piled up. Shall do it tmr eh? Time to continue 7) >.<
Speaking of Mardi Gras, we went to Ebenex to jam again.. Damn I was crappy. I'm having doubts about using picks. Oh well. Anyway I lost it after we jammed.. zzz.. After jamming, we came out.. then we talked to SK! (No dota players, its not skel king or sand king.. Its "Something Kumar", wait. nono. its "S____ Kumar" according to Ryan) He's like damn cool sia. He's like a Jack of all trades and a "semi-professional" of all (as he puts it).. He's the guitarist for PeepShow, he knows just about almost everything related to bands (drums, bass guitars, guitars, etc), he knows interior design (he turned down an interior design job offer to work in Ebenex, then his boss heard of it and asked him redesign Ebenex office. Rofl!), he plays badminton (while spamming trick shots and "acting anime when his GF whacks the shuttlecock into his face"), he does sound effects (thats how Ryan met him. He did sound effects for Ryan's beatboxing gig a few times), he is "a semi-professional tattooist" (in his very own words), and the list goes on and on sia.. Until Ryan asked him "Do you sew?" Haha.. Anyway, check out on MYSPACE about PeepShow. Cool band. Cool music =)
Reached home FINALLY.. Ate instant noodles for dinner (just like last wk zzz). Didn't felt like doing all the work I piled up. Shall do it tmr eh? Time to continue 7) >.<
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Its finally over!! Woo!!
Yay Yay Yay YAY YAY! NO MORE H3 WOOOOOOOOOO.... (and the bball boys won their match and successfully enter Semis. Double Yay)
Well.. jumping back into reality.. all the work that I have put aside since I started studying for H3 had sure piled up.. Lets see:
1) Cut finger nails (it sort of grew a bit long.. and i cant be bothered with my personal hygiene lol)
2) Practice for Mardi Gras (yikes. its next fri!)
3) 1 GP Compre
4) 2 GP Newspaper cuttings
5) 1 Econs Case Study
6) Computing 2007 Specimen Paper
7) and the list goes on with other minor stuff like catching up my Manga (Eyeshield 21 wins XD), Anime (bleach =\), private EuphRO server (my other friends are like at least 10 lvls ahead -.-) etc etc.. bleh.
This is ridiculous. The amount of time i need to spend on the the work I put aside is so much more than the time I spent on studying.. how the heck. oh well, time to get started. Not on the work though. On Number 7. Hehe.
Well.. jumping back into reality.. all the work that I have put aside since I started studying for H3 had sure piled up.. Lets see:
1) Cut finger nails (it sort of grew a bit long.. and i cant be bothered with my personal hygiene lol)
2) Practice for Mardi Gras (yikes. its next fri!)
3) 1 GP Compre
4) 2 GP Newspaper cuttings
5) 1 Econs Case Study
6) Computing 2007 Specimen Paper
7) and the list goes on with other minor stuff like catching up my Manga (Eyeshield 21 wins XD), Anime (bleach =\), private EuphRO server (my other friends are like at least 10 lvls ahead -.-) etc etc.. bleh.
This is ridiculous. The amount of time i need to spend on the the work I put aside is so much more than the time I spent on studying.. how the heck. oh well, time to get started. Not on the work though. On Number 7. Hehe.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Thoughts and Reflections
Now then do I realised how lonely I felt all along. The harder and more focused I work on something, the more lonely I feel. This is somehow related why I had the unexplained urge to start up a SMS chat with someone yesterday after burying myself in books for the whole day, yet I didn't manage to. Why is that so? What's this feeling I'm getting all these years? All these years I've been throwing myself into games, music, the computer, the Internet... Just to get a false sense of belonging and finding comfort in the virtual world and society. Even though I'm fully aware that all these are short term means of escape, but I'm just somehow addicted to it.. Maybe its because there ain't any other alternatives.. Maybe.
Another observation I had, which popped into my head when my friends and I were talking about what kind of girls we look out for. Going through my memories (haha ryan, no pun intended when I said " 'memory' is growing on me"), I realised all my crushes (yea, only crushes, no gf. Sad right? haha) all had some kind of common attributes. Lemme show you what I mean:
Their names are censored for privacy.
P5 - V***
Swimmer (she even beat me in swimming), Learns piano
The only person i confessed to and got rejected, and she had to show the message to the whole class -.-
Sec1~Sec2 - H****
Dancer, not sure what she learns..
Gave up after she went out with my good friend >.<
JC1 - Y*****
Learns piano, In sports CCA (shall not mention >.<)
Yeah.. you get what I mean.. Weird huh. Even the girl band guitarist I talked about that time is in TJC Soccer (just found out last friday when she walked past wearing the soccer shirt).. Maybe I'm naturally attracted towards musically inclined and/or sporty kinds huh.. Hm.
Oh well, moving away from my thoughts..
Went to the newly upgraded Chinatown hawker center.. and boy was it HUGE.. I spent like over 10minutes walking around to check out all the stalls.. Around 40% (lol I sound like a certain PE teacher we have in TJC eh.. haha) of the stalls are closed or their owners have not 'moved in' yet.. But still.. WOAH.. There was actually an excess of seats for the first time I ever went to eat there. Hygiene improved tremendously too. I don't see armies of flies and wet floors anymore. It actually feels like a proper hawker center, only cleaner, instead of a wet market like before.
On the way we walked through this structure.. Its like a huge fanfair kind of tent which has a hell lot of lanterns hanging from the top.. Nope, its not lightbulbs. I thought so too initially. They also have some tiny piece of paper hanging from it. I asked my dad what's this structure for and he told me "some Indian festival".. And I'm having doubts.. Lol.. I'm quite sure the wordings on the papers hanging from the lantern ain't Indian words.. They look too much like Chinese words.. Haha
Here they are:

Looks quite grand from here eh? =)
Another observation I had, which popped into my head when my friends and I were talking about what kind of girls we look out for. Going through my memories (haha ryan, no pun intended when I said " 'memory' is growing on me"), I realised all my crushes (yea, only crushes, no gf. Sad right? haha) all had some kind of common attributes. Lemme show you what I mean:
Their names are censored for privacy.
P5 - V***
Swimmer (she even beat me in swimming), Learns piano
The only person i confessed to and got rejected, and she had to show the message to the whole class -.-
Sec1~Sec2 - H****
Dancer, not sure what she learns..
Gave up after she went out with my good friend >.<
JC1 - Y*****
Learns piano, In sports CCA (shall not mention >.<)
Yeah.. you get what I mean.. Weird huh. Even the girl band guitarist I talked about that time is in TJC Soccer (just found out last friday when she walked past wearing the soccer shirt).. Maybe I'm naturally attracted towards musically inclined and/or sporty kinds huh.. Hm.
Oh well, moving away from my thoughts..
Went to the newly upgraded Chinatown hawker center.. and boy was it HUGE.. I spent like over 10minutes walking around to check out all the stalls.. Around 40% (lol I sound like a certain PE teacher we have in TJC eh.. haha) of the stalls are closed or their owners have not 'moved in' yet.. But still.. WOAH.. There was actually an excess of seats for the first time I ever went to eat there. Hygiene improved tremendously too. I don't see armies of flies and wet floors anymore. It actually feels like a proper hawker center, only cleaner, instead of a wet market like before.
On the way we walked through this structure.. Its like a huge fanfair kind of tent which has a hell lot of lanterns hanging from the top.. Nope, its not lightbulbs. I thought so too initially. They also have some tiny piece of paper hanging from it. I asked my dad what's this structure for and he told me "some Indian festival".. And I'm having doubts.. Lol.. I'm quite sure the wordings on the papers hanging from the lantern ain't Indian words.. They look too much like Chinese words.. Haha
Here they are:

Looks quite grand from here eh? =)
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Brain Dead
Aaaaaah... Been staring at H3 Math for nearly 12 hours since I've been awake.. My brain is dyinggggg... I was so bored I went to sleep =.=
After which I woke up and decided to give "Sugarcult - Memory" a try since Fawwaz said he took 3hrs to figure the song out, so I guessed it must be quite hard... And it sort of was, but I got the rough flow of it =)
At the same time, I confirmed that my fingers have more dexterity than my pick (the woes of a classical guitar player going electric)... I can go much faster and more accurate with my fingers compared to using my pick.. But Gorden says it will affect the quality of the song.. So I should try to train more picking instead.. Hm.. Okay.. But I scared I cant perfect it in 1week since I will only be able to start next Wed.. Oh well, have to put in more effort then.. zzz
Was so bored just now that I wanted to sms someone and chat.. I lied down on the floor, held my handphone in my hand and stared at the ceiling.. for a whole 10minutes. What the heck. I only realised 10minutes had past when my dad called me "Oi siao ar, what you doing? Waste time like that.. Go study la!" (the funniest thing is.. He always ask me go study, but when I ask him if he knows what I'm studying, he says he don't know or when I ask "Study what?", he'll say "Don't know, just go study" lol...) I guessed I just have no one to SMS to.. Everyone's so busy with their own stuff I guess.. Didn't want to disturb them, or don't even have a starting topic to SMS about -.-
Omg I don't even know what I'm typing now.. Too much studying makes you brain dead.. The only proper break I had was playing the "Memory" on guitar for 1hr... zzz
P.S. Tmr is Mothers' Day! Show them your appreciation =D
After which I woke up and decided to give "Sugarcult - Memory" a try since Fawwaz said he took 3hrs to figure the song out, so I guessed it must be quite hard... And it sort of was, but I got the rough flow of it =)
At the same time, I confirmed that my fingers have more dexterity than my pick (the woes of a classical guitar player going electric)... I can go much faster and more accurate with my fingers compared to using my pick.. But Gorden says it will affect the quality of the song.. So I should try to train more picking instead.. Hm.. Okay.. But I scared I cant perfect it in 1week since I will only be able to start next Wed.. Oh well, have to put in more effort then.. zzz
Was so bored just now that I wanted to sms someone and chat.. I lied down on the floor, held my handphone in my hand and stared at the ceiling.. for a whole 10minutes. What the heck. I only realised 10minutes had past when my dad called me "Oi siao ar, what you doing? Waste time like that.. Go study la!" (the funniest thing is.. He always ask me go study, but when I ask him if he knows what I'm studying, he says he don't know or when I ask "Study what?", he'll say "Don't know, just go study" lol...) I guessed I just have no one to SMS to.. Everyone's so busy with their own stuff I guess.. Didn't want to disturb them, or don't even have a starting topic to SMS about -.-
Omg I don't even know what I'm typing now.. Too much studying makes you brain dead.. The only proper break I had was playing the "Memory" on guitar for 1hr... zzz
P.S. Tmr is Mothers' Day! Show them your appreciation =D
Friday, May 9, 2008
A Resolution.
Reached home at 9pm yesterday after jamming at Ebenex with Gorden, Ryan, Fawwaz and Wei Ming.. And what luck! Ryan's friend works there now.. since 1wk ago.. too bad no discount haha.. Anyway, when I reached home, my sis introduced me to this movie which we watched.. Both the movie and its sequel.. ended up sleeping at 12pm+ and feeling bloody shag today.. zzz
I haven't been free to practice the new songs "Howie Day - Collide", "Sugarcult - Memory", new "Oasis - Wonderwall" pre-chorus, "OneRepublic - Stop and Stare", had to study for H3 exam next Wed.. In the end, the only songs I could follow were "Stop and Stare" and a bit of "Collide".. Damn it Davin. You wasted 4 people's 2 hours, not to mention their money. Damn you. You better do something about it once H3 is over or I won't forgive you.
Here's the movie! (Translation: "School got ghost!" and "School got ghost! 2")

The movie had quite a good mixture of horror and laughs.. Though I find the monsters damn retarded looking. Reminds me of Power Rangers' enemies, maybe thats part of their planned humour haha.
On the way home today, I saw a guy bring in a foldable bicycle into the MRT.. Hm.. seems like government's bicycle and MRT scheme thingy does work huh.
I haven't been free to practice the new songs "Howie Day - Collide", "Sugarcult - Memory", new "Oasis - Wonderwall" pre-chorus, "OneRepublic - Stop and Stare", had to study for H3 exam next Wed.. In the end, the only songs I could follow were "Stop and Stare" and a bit of "Collide".. Damn it Davin. You wasted 4 people's 2 hours, not to mention their money. Damn you. You better do something about it once H3 is over or I won't forgive you.
Here's the movie! (Translation: "School got ghost!" and "School got ghost! 2")

The movie had quite a good mixture of horror and laughs.. Though I find the monsters damn retarded looking. Reminds me of Power Rangers' enemies, maybe thats part of their planned humour haha.
On the way home today, I saw a guy bring in a foldable bicycle into the MRT.. Hm.. seems like government's bicycle and MRT scheme thingy does work huh.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
A friend from HK
Hah. Didnt post yesterday again. Had to study a bit for the Physics Skill A tmr.
Went out with Chi Hung after H3 lecture ended yesterday. Chi Hung went back to Hong Kong to study.. His exams finish liao so he zhao back to Singapore while the others are still having papers haha.. and yeah, he brought chewing gum XD
We went to Peace Center and played pool.. We won 3 rounds each. Damn. I thought I would win more since I won the 1st 3 consecutive games >.<

Their MRT Ez-link card equivilant.. Cool right? They call it "Octopus" >.<

Oh ya.. He told me in some parts of HK, there's whole rows of HDB equivilant blocks which are 50 storeys tall on the average.. You cant even see the sunlight, let alone feel the wind.. wa siao siao.. lol
Went out with Chi Hung after H3 lecture ended yesterday. Chi Hung went back to Hong Kong to study.. His exams finish liao so he zhao back to Singapore while the others are still having papers haha.. and yeah, he brought chewing gum XD
We went to Peace Center and played pool.. We won 3 rounds each. Damn. I thought I would win more since I won the 1st 3 consecutive games >.<

Their MRT Ez-link card equivilant.. Cool right? They call it "Octopus" >.<

Oh ya.. He told me in some parts of HK, there's whole rows of HDB equivilant blocks which are 50 storeys tall on the average.. You cant even see the sunlight, let alone feel the wind.. wa siao siao.. lol
Monday, May 5, 2008
2nd Mardi Gras Rehearsal
Supposedly 2nd, but its the first for our band.. and we still don't have our full strength. Ryan has a gig and has to reach Raffles Place at 5.30, so I ended up singing and playing.. Result? Screwed up. Lol... Not to mention I can't remember the lyrics (hey, its not my fault right.. that's not part of my job), along with the once-in-a-while zhao siang, and I played the wrong strings for some part of some songs.. I guess I'm a nervous wreck when it comes to playing in front of people.. But I gonna overcome that man.. I've been through rejection by PDPs and the sort 10 times, even went on stage in Audi during Student Council nomination.. THIS IS NO KICK.. YEAH... Watch out for our next rehearsal. I bet you we'll be different. You just watch out. For Ryan's singing and our imbaness-to-be.
Oh btw, I realised the guitarist from the female band looks familiar.. somehow.. I have no idea why.. but she's pleasing to the eyes I suppose.. I mean her face (no, not anywhere else hello.) yeah.. I ended up tapping to the beat of their songs looking at her.. ok this is getting weird.
Anyway, today I feel damn weak. First time so far I feel so weak... Today is the first time when going home, carrying my electric guitar, that I actually feel strain on my right arm. Usually I feel strain on my left arm after a while but my right hand have never felt any kind of strain before. However today, I actually felt strain in my right arm half way walking home. Oh no.. And I sweated like a mad dog, as if I just ran 5km or smth.. Crap la.. my physical strength drop so much liao ar... Just because I stopped running and stuff after Road Run.. In Feb.. Ok maybe I should something about it, anyway I did plan to.. After my H3 exam next wed. Time to imba man.. Imba my physical strength and stamina. Imba Mardi Gras. It all starts with the end of H3. The end marks a whole new beginning. Lol.. sound so cliche haha.
Anyway, tmr I gonna meet up with Chi Hung! Woo!! I wonder what we gonna do lol.. first time we actually meet up since we met each other on a Manila CS 1.5 server (which lags like shit, and its down loooong ago haha), just to realise I stayed in Outram and he stayed in Tanjong Pagar. Wanted to meet up together but never did.. And he went off to Hong Kong cos his GP results didnt allow him to enter any local universities.. Damn his sudden change in GP tutor, dropped his results like mad =(
Anyway, cant wait to meet him tmr during his 1wk visit to Singapore =D
P.S. Hope he remembers about it, he has yet to contact me since he reached Singapore during the weekends.. And he hasn't been online on MSN =\
Oh btw, I realised the guitarist from the female band looks familiar.. somehow.. I have no idea why.. but she's pleasing to the eyes I suppose.. I mean her face (no, not anywhere else hello.) yeah.. I ended up tapping to the beat of their songs looking at her.. ok this is getting weird.
Anyway, today I feel damn weak. First time so far I feel so weak... Today is the first time when going home, carrying my electric guitar, that I actually feel strain on my right arm. Usually I feel strain on my left arm after a while but my right hand have never felt any kind of strain before. However today, I actually felt strain in my right arm half way walking home. Oh no.. And I sweated like a mad dog, as if I just ran 5km or smth.. Crap la.. my physical strength drop so much liao ar... Just because I stopped running and stuff after Road Run.. In Feb.. Ok maybe I should something about it, anyway I did plan to.. After my H3 exam next wed. Time to imba man.. Imba my physical strength and stamina. Imba Mardi Gras. It all starts with the end of H3. The end marks a whole new beginning. Lol.. sound so cliche haha.
Anyway, tmr I gonna meet up with Chi Hung! Woo!! I wonder what we gonna do lol.. first time we actually meet up since we met each other on a Manila CS 1.5 server (which lags like shit, and its down loooong ago haha), just to realise I stayed in Outram and he stayed in Tanjong Pagar. Wanted to meet up together but never did.. And he went off to Hong Kong cos his GP results didnt allow him to enter any local universities.. Damn his sudden change in GP tutor, dropped his results like mad =(
Anyway, cant wait to meet him tmr during his 1wk visit to Singapore =D
P.S. Hope he remembers about it, he has yet to contact me since he reached Singapore during the weekends.. And he hasn't been online on MSN =\
Sunday, May 4, 2008
SuperHero Movie

Kinda blur and I have no idea why...
Went to watch superhero movie today with Shan Shan on her bday. I have no idea why but somehow it always feels awkward whenever we meet up.. online or sms has never felt like that before.. I just realised how important it is to have common interest and talking topics to talk about.. Seems like we just dont have any, eh? -.-
Anyway, about the movie!
Long Story Cut Short (LSCS)
Title: SuperHero Movie
Duration: 85min
Genre: Comedy [Spoof of Spiderman and a little of X-Men and Fantastic 4]
Main Characters: Dragonfly Man, Hour Glass
Dragonfly Man
A retard, Rick Riker, who somehow got powers from a genetically modified dragonfly. Can't fly till the last few minutes in the movie to save his girl.
Hour Glass
A dying visionary scientist, Lou Landers, who researched this imba machine to mutate DNA to modify people to perfection. He used it so he wouldn't die. The machine exploded and tada, villain born. He can suck the life of others by just touching them. He needs to kill one person a day to prolong his life, else he'll just turn old and die.
Rick Riker's class went on a field trip to Lou Landers' lab of genetically created animals. He fell into a piece of shit (literally) so he picked up a bottle of H2O and used it to clean himself. Apparently he didn't turn the bottle to see the full label - H2O9, a chemical invented which causes animals to turn on and want to f**k. Hence, he got owned by the animals, you know how. That's when the dragonfly bit him.
He went home feeling crappy and slept for 3 days due to the bite which caused a huge swelling on his neck. During this time, Lou Landers tested out his machine (which overheated) and he became the Hour Glass.
Rick was approached by Xavier. At the academy, Xavier's wife (yes, in this parody Xavier has a wife and 2 kids) told Rick to get a frigging custome to start becoming a superhero. And so he did. And tada, he became the Dragonfly Man.
From here on, its mostly spoofs of Spiderman (one small part on Fantastic Four's Torch, thats all). You got to watch it to get it. Haha.
*End of Spoiler*
Watch it for slapstick humour, they even have humour for the starting part where they show names of actors (there's a small joke on Batman there, but very minor). You got to watch the movies "Spiderman", "X-men", "Fantastic 4" to get the movie's jokes. Mostly from Spiderman. Anyway, quite a good movie to catch if you got spare time to burn or to relieve stress or the sort. Though, be aware that they included quite a fair bit of sexual stuff in there.. Like Uncle Ben humping a dead woman =\
Ratings: 7/10
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Weighed Down.
Yay. Finally got weights from Bras Basah. Bought the 3lb per weight one. I have a feeling that its too light.. My dad refused to let me buy the 5lb per weight one.. He thinks the 10lb meant "10lb per side" even when the shopkeeper told him its "10lb in total. so 5lb per side"... Oh well =\

When I reached home, I checked my wallet and I realised.. Oh no! I still got 2 Mardi Gras tickets to sell.. $7 each, $5 entry free, $2 coupons.. Stupid la.. I always thought it was free.. I was going around telling people got free shows on 23rd May in TJC, can come down and have fun.. Now I got no face go ask friends to buy. Who in the right mind will spend $7 on a retarded thing like this. What's even funnier is.. We students of the school have to buy one ticket for entry fee ourselves. Smart la! Who the heck wants to PAY TO GO SCHOOL?! No idea what's wrong with the school admin.. Making students pay to attend a school event. No wonder school events always have shitty student turnups. Not our fault right?

The nice looking ticket. Which costs $7.

When I reached home, I checked my wallet and I realised.. Oh no! I still got 2 Mardi Gras tickets to sell.. $7 each, $5 entry free, $2 coupons.. Stupid la.. I always thought it was free.. I was going around telling people got free shows on 23rd May in TJC, can come down and have fun.. Now I got no face go ask friends to buy. Who in the right mind will spend $7 on a retarded thing like this. What's even funnier is.. We students of the school have to buy one ticket for entry fee ourselves. Smart la! Who the heck wants to PAY TO GO SCHOOL?! No idea what's wrong with the school admin.. Making students pay to attend a school event. No wonder school events always have shitty student turnups. Not our fault right?

The nice looking ticket. Which costs $7.
Friday, May 2, 2008
SPF Book Prize. Thumbs Up and mah new Tuner =D
Today during morning assembly, 2 of our students were awarded the Singapore Police Force Book Prize. $2000 in cash money. Big la?! Actually quite big lol.. Supposedly given to students with excellent results and outstanding CCA achievements. But somehow I beg to differ.. Look at Han Liang for example. Okay la, I have to agree his results were imba. But his PDP.. AVA do shit.. how outstanding can that be lah.. oh well.. Grats to both Han Liang and Timothy anyway =)
Here's some pictures I took while standing in line.. lol

Stupid heads, blocked the HUGE cheque.

Ah, much clearer hehe..
In Math tutorial today, I was quite bored.. So i started taking pictures of my fingers.. Haha

After school, before my guitar lesson, I went to buy a tuner (at last! my previous tuner died.. stupid battery melted and it refused to work anymore lol)... It costs only $25! Woo.. damn Cristofori tried to scam me into buying its $40 tuners.. lol.. lucky I knew where I could scout around for cheaper tuners.

Here's some pictures I took while standing in line.. lol

Stupid heads, blocked the HUGE cheque.

Ah, much clearer hehe..
In Math tutorial today, I was quite bored.. So i started taking pictures of my fingers.. Haha

After school, before my guitar lesson, I went to buy a tuner (at last! my previous tuner died.. stupid battery melted and it refused to work anymore lol)... It costs only $25! Woo.. damn Cristofori tried to scam me into buying its $40 tuners.. lol.. lucky I knew where I could scout around for cheaper tuners.

Thursday, May 1, 2008
BoonMusical & Super early Mother's Day Dinner
Yay! Today went jamming with Gorden and Fawwaz and Wei Ming (gorden's cellmate - lol, sound like they both from prison hehe) for the first time! Too bad Ryan was busy, so we couldn't have our full band practice.. Oh well. We went to BoonMusical. (Here's their website: Its some place in Potong Pasir (as quoted from Fawwaz's SMS "Its less than 400m away from the station.") I called yesterday to confirmed that they opened on Labour Day, then I booked a $12 room from 2pm~4pm.
Jammed and jammed like peanut butter on a bread. All our ears died (Gorden couldn't hear what Fawwaz was saying after we came out, even though he was walking right behind Fawwaz.. haha). But it was all good.. We sort of got "Oasis - Wonderwall", "Nickelback - Hero" and "Hoobastank - The Reason" done.. And we realised our "Simple Plan - Crazy" sounds wierd.. so probably scrapping it.. and we were halfway through "Switchfoot - Stars" when the person came knocking to remind us that time's up =\
Note: We all agreed that we should drag Ryan along the next time. Our voices are all dead (well at least mine) from trying to scream lol

A random picture I took on the way to Potong Pasir MRT Station to meet up with Fawwaz, Gorden and Wei Ming
And after our jamming... I went to my auntie's house at Serangoon cos tonight we are going to have Mother's Day Dinner.. Yeah.. pretty early since its like 10 days before itself (11 May). Well, but free food, so I'm not complaining haha..
We went to this coffee shop below my auntie's house and ate 煮炒.. Had crispy wall thingy (fried yam or smth.. but I like calling it cripsy wall haha), sweet and sour fish, crispy-skin tofu, chilli kangkong, etc.. AND CHILLI CRAB and buns! Yup yup, in fact, 3 chilli crabs...
The dinner was damn funny.. my uncle kept putting food on my plate I can't even finish lol.. Inflow to plate > Outflow from plate. Ended up my plate was overflowing then he stopped >.<
Oh ya, the crab was funnier, I didnt want to dirty my hands so I always eat seafood with my fork and spoon (same for prawns, I sort of trained in doing so.. hehe).. But my other uncle sitting on my other side saw and he say "Aiyo, 吃到这样辛苦"(which means "Aiyo, eat until so difficult"), then he took the pincer from my plate and started peeling it for me.. haha.. free labour on Labour Day =P
Throughout dinner and after dinner we all chatted and chatted and chatted and chatted and.. you get the picture.. I had to tell my mum "Hey mum! Tmr no sch right!" then I brimmed in smile.. Then she was still smiling from the previous chattering.. then her face suddenly changed and looked at the watch, and then she panicked.. Haha.. I'm so evil XD
Well, quite some time since I talked to my cousins, my male cousin going army this July! I tried hinting him to go Officer Cadet School and become an officer so next year when I go in, maybe lucky lucky he become my officer haha.. yeah, can dream long long.. lol

Oh yeah, I had nth to do on the train trip back, so I took this random picture of my family.
(The white guy is NOT my family k. We're the 4 people from the right, in the reflection, pretty obvious which one is me right =P)
Jammed and jammed like peanut butter on a bread. All our ears died (Gorden couldn't hear what Fawwaz was saying after we came out, even though he was walking right behind Fawwaz.. haha). But it was all good.. We sort of got "Oasis - Wonderwall", "Nickelback - Hero" and "Hoobastank - The Reason" done.. And we realised our "Simple Plan - Crazy" sounds wierd.. so probably scrapping it.. and we were halfway through "Switchfoot - Stars" when the person came knocking to remind us that time's up =\
Note: We all agreed that we should drag Ryan along the next time. Our voices are all dead (well at least mine) from trying to scream lol

A random picture I took on the way to Potong Pasir MRT Station to meet up with Fawwaz, Gorden and Wei Ming
And after our jamming... I went to my auntie's house at Serangoon cos tonight we are going to have Mother's Day Dinner.. Yeah.. pretty early since its like 10 days before itself (11 May). Well, but free food, so I'm not complaining haha..
We went to this coffee shop below my auntie's house and ate 煮炒.. Had crispy wall thingy (fried yam or smth.. but I like calling it cripsy wall haha), sweet and sour fish, crispy-skin tofu, chilli kangkong, etc.. AND CHILLI CRAB and buns! Yup yup, in fact, 3 chilli crabs...
The dinner was damn funny.. my uncle kept putting food on my plate I can't even finish lol.. Inflow to plate > Outflow from plate. Ended up my plate was overflowing then he stopped >.<
Oh ya, the crab was funnier, I didnt want to dirty my hands so I always eat seafood with my fork and spoon (same for prawns, I sort of trained in doing so.. hehe).. But my other uncle sitting on my other side saw and he say "Aiyo, 吃到这样辛苦"(which means "Aiyo, eat until so difficult"), then he took the pincer from my plate and started peeling it for me.. haha.. free labour on Labour Day =P
Throughout dinner and after dinner we all chatted and chatted and chatted and chatted and.. you get the picture.. I had to tell my mum "Hey mum! Tmr no sch right!" then I brimmed in smile.. Then she was still smiling from the previous chattering.. then her face suddenly changed and looked at the watch, and then she panicked.. Haha.. I'm so evil XD
Well, quite some time since I talked to my cousins, my male cousin going army this July! I tried hinting him to go Officer Cadet School and become an officer so next year when I go in, maybe lucky lucky he become my officer haha.. yeah, can dream long long.. lol

Oh yeah, I had nth to do on the train trip back, so I took this random picture of my family.
(The white guy is NOT my family k. We're the 4 people from the right, in the reflection, pretty obvious which one is me right =P)
US Ambassador and the Elections.
For yesterday's contact time, we had the ambassador from the US Embassy to talk to us about the US election! Woo.. Oh btw the way, she's Ambassador Patricia L. Herbold. Though I swear I keep hearing people calling her Ambassador Herbal.. Lol..
Here are some pics that I took =)

There she is, the one in red. Not quite clear though, zooming in from the backseat wasn't a gd idea.

Q&A Session!

Thanking her with some present and a bouquet of flowers.. We seriously thought they were going to give her those flowers on the table.. Haha

Overall, quite an interesting talk.. Though someway through I dozed off.. Her voice is quite droning after a while.. Woke up when she started showing funny YouTube videos of the candidates XD
Here are some pics that I took =)

There she is, the one in red. Not quite clear though, zooming in from the backseat wasn't a gd idea.

Q&A Session!

Thanking her with some present and a bouquet of flowers.. We seriously thought they were going to give her those flowers on the table.. Haha

Overall, quite an interesting talk.. Though someway through I dozed off.. Her voice is quite droning after a while.. Woke up when she started showing funny YouTube videos of the candidates XD
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