No its not another game review but yes, its Microsoft. It says on the front page "26th March, Microsoft unveils.." Here's a "summary" of the issue and a few of my own opinions =)
The whole hoo-ha is basically the new Windows Server 2008 and Vista's 1st Service Pack. Ignoring the "top-10 reasons" given by Digital Life, I've summarised the advantages stated in the issue into 3 points...
1) Windows Server's Hyper-V - enables virtualisation and allows system calls to be made directly to the hardware
The good: Think of the advantages of virtual memory and Direct Memory Access.. it should be roughly similar..
The bad: I can't see much bad things about it..
The ugly: What kind of name is Hyper-V? Reminds me of Pokemon.. Pokeball, Great Ball, Hyperball, Masterball.. whats with this.. Microsoft can't think of a cooler name? XD
2) Server Core installation option
The good: Install much much faster (1.7gb compared to 6gb full installation file), Lesser updates since un-needed things are not installed
The bad: Troublesome if you realise you need those things you didn't install..
The ugly: If you didn't install the full installation, your computer will probably look very naked, with specialised functions of what you need.. I dont know about you all, but my laptop desktop is filled with icons and shortcuts, and I think it looks nice =)
3) Network Access Protection (NAP)
The good: Increases infrastructure security by screening computers that join your network
The bad: Digital Life didn't mention.. but I'm thinking.. hell lot more restrictions while you're connected to the network? It might also mean longer time to connect to any network due to the "screenings"
The ugly: NAP is developed in partnership with CISCO?! Wt.. CISCO seriously seems to be diversifying.. is the security sector doing that badly? Didn't Mas Selamat just escaped? Shouldn't they have a lot of business? =P
Yup. Thats it for my 3 points. I know I'm no professional and you may even call me amateurish.. Whatever.. I'm just having my fun learning about this and sharing it with all the lazy bums out there ^^
Hey you. Yes you. Sitting there right on your chair reading this blog. Don't get your cheque book quite yet. Yes, this things seem damn nice. But since when do advertisements say any drawbacks of their products? Just like the obvious drawbacks of Windows Vista, as known by most people who refused to convert from XP (like me!), there probably would be such drawbacks in the newly upcoming "Windows Server 2008". I can't remember where I read it from.. some people claimed the new Vista update is causing problems on their computers.. many people reported crashes.. hah! If you're interested, its better to just sit back for about 1wk, read up on all the critics and comments, then make a value judgement on your own.. It IS your money anyway.. (though I don't mind if you give me some)
Oh by the way, this is the first time Microsoft is advertising through online blogs and communities!! Check it outttttt!
Adventures of Captain Server - http://www.medialabsinnovation.com/captainserver/
I'm not sure whether the last game is fun.. but who cares.. Give it a try if it appeals to you or you just feel plain bored.. There ARE prizes to be won. Yes yes.. XBoxes, Office 2007, Vista Ultimate (what the hell is this -.-), the new Window Server 2008, etc.. Not being skeptical, but don't take part in these hoping for too much, I doubt you'll be the winner.. Probability wise.. No offence.. Haha.
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